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中国成功截杀卫星 美国忧宇宙武力进化备感威胁

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发表于 2007-1-20 19:45 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-1-20 19:59 | 只看该作者

read the posted article carefully

you will find the answer!

Don't be too upset! you should be proud of the our nation's technology achivement as a chinese!
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发表于 2007-1-20 21:06 | 只看该作者


Post by huahualala




纵观历史,有哪一次崛起是真正和平的? 不懂得保护自己的和平是愚蠢的和平,没法保护自己的和平是苟延残喘的和平!呲牙咧嘴的美国什么时候停止过发展武器?和平,只是这个弱肉强食的世界的一片柔软的羊皮而已。


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发表于 2007-1-20 21:57 | 只看该作者
美国何时停止发展太空武器, 他只是不希望别人发展.
中国政府只有这样做, 才能在国际上有进一步说话权. 你美国不是不想加入禁止太空武器发展条约吗? 不要认为只有你美国能做, 中国就是告诉美国--中国也能做!
Post by huahualala


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发表于 2007-1-21 08:46 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-1-21 12:16 | 只看该作者

米国国务院回应中国猎杀卫星实验(摘录)- 文学城

Source: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/prs/dpb/2007/79056.htm

QUESTION: If I can just ask you about this China satellite story again.

MR. CASEY: Sure.

QUESTION: Can you just outline for us the U.S. concerns with this test?

MR. CASEY: Well, let me try and put it in general terms. U.S. policy is that all countries should have a right to peaceful access to space. And very clearly in the policies that the President's outlined, we have put forward the idea that there must be access for all nations for peaceful use of space simply because so much of the world we live in today is dependant on space-based technology, communications in particular.

We certainly are concerned by any effort, by any nation that would be geared towards developing weapons or other military activities in space. That's absolutely contrary to what our, again, policies articulated by the White House states. So we have raised our concerns with the Chinese Government. We've done so both here in Washington and in Beijing. I think you've seen comments from the Japanese Government as well as from Australian Prime Minister Downer and I think several other governments as well raising these same issues.

We don't want to see a situation where there is any militarization of space. We certainly don't want to see a situation in which even tests of this kind that produce extensive amounts of space debris have the potential for disturbing or accidentally disrupting communications satellites or other kinds of space vehicles that are out there. So certainly this is an issue that I think is of general concern not only to us but to the broader international community and we'll be looking to get some more information from the Chinese about it. (这里注册真麻烦: 官方语言而已)

QUESTION: Would you say that this act was a step towards the militarization of space? (这里注册真麻烦: 切入正题)

MR. CASEY: I think at this point all we can is we know this test took place and we've asked the Chinese to give us some greater details about what they did, why they did it and explain it, you know, in greater detail to us simply because of the concerns that we have about this issue. And again, I think other countries have expressed similar ones. But you know, what this represents in terms of China's other efforts, that's something I think they have to address. We've been on record previously I think as saying that there are concerns about the level of transparency in China's military and that's something that I think fits in with this pattern. We would like to see and understand and know more about what they're really trying to accomplish here.

QUESTION: Could you give us any more clarity on the record about when certain meetings and protests took place?

MR. CASEY: In terms of when?

QUESTION: One in Beijing and one here in Washington. (这里注册真麻烦: 了解中美就这个事件的目前交涉情况)

MR. CASEY: I believe that there were contacts here with the Embassy -- from the State Department to the Embassy here on Tuesday, I believe. I would think it was probably Wednesday in Beijing when those contacts took place. (已经在星期二同 Washington 的中国大使馆, 可能于星期三在北京同中国外交部交涉)

QUESTION: Were those phone calls or meetings?

MR. CASEY: In the case here, I know there was at least one meeting that took place. In the case of Beijing, I'm honestly not sure what the vehicle for conveying this was.

QUESTION: In Beijing it was the U.S. Ambassador. That's what we're getting out of the White House. But who did he talk to?

MR. CASEY: I honestly don't know who he specifically spoke to.

QUESTION: One more. Has the United States conducted such a test destroying a satellite in space? (这里注册真麻烦: 给国务院发言人下套了)

MR. CASEY: I am not sure if we have conducted a test on this level. My understanding is the last time the United States tested or attempted any kind of test of this kind of device or an anti-satellite related device was in 1985.

QUESTION: But if that's the case and clearly you don't know and I don't know whether it was this identical or similar or on the same scope. But if we were doing the same thing 22 years ago, why shouldn't the Chinese do it now or has our position changed and we don't think anybody should be doing this at all? (这里注册真麻烦: 这个提问有点火辣了, 嘿嘿)

MR. CASEY: Well, I think we believe -- we don't believe that anyone should be doing these kinds of activities because I think if you -- again, if you look at the world and what has changed in the world in the last 22 years, I think there's two factors you might want to take a look at. The first is the fact that 22 years ago, there was a Cold War that was being engaged in between the United States and the Soviet Union. There were a number of factors related to that, that, you know, dictated I think quite a different policy on the part of the U.S. that exists now. More importantly, though, I think you need to look at the development of space in those past 22 years. The extent to which countries not only the United States, but countries throughout the world are dependant on space based technologies, weather satellites, communications satellites and other devices to be able to conduct modern life as we know it. And so the consequences of any kind of activity like this are significantly greater now than they were at that time. But again I think our belief at this point is that we know the Chinese have conducted this test. We certainly want to hear from them in a more detailed way exactly what their intentions are and what this represents in terms of any future activities on their part. (这里注册真麻烦:借口找得不错)

QUESTION: Well, can I ask one more on this?

MR. CASEY: Yeah.

QUESTION: Will the United States, since you don't think anybody should be engaged in such kind of activities, will the United States foreswear or say it won't do this, or do you wish to reserve the right to do so?

MR. CASEY: Arshad, my understanding is there are no plans or intentions on the part of the United States to engage in such activities.

QUESTION: Well, but do you think that the United -- that countries should feel that -- I know you say that space is used for communications satellite, weapons satellite, weather satellites, but it's also used for espionage type satellites. And do you think that countries should be able to be reasonably assured that space won't be used for those type of satellites and could they feel -- do they have a right to feel threatened by those type of satellites -- to be used in space? (这里注册真麻烦: 这个问题更咄咄逼人)

MR. CASEY: Elise, two things. First let me revert to the general answer of I'm certainly not going to discuss any intelligence matters. (这里注册真麻烦: 发言人有点挡不住攻势了) Again, our policy and I believe it's the policy of the vast majority of the world is that countries should be able to count on the use of space for peaceful purposes and certainly we are disappointed that there would be any effort underway by any country that might potentially be a military action again both because of the potential implications of that in the longer term as well as the short-term problem of debris and other material out there as a result of this test that could potentially cause damage to commercial space interests. (这里注册真麻烦: 回答文不对题)

QUESTION: Would you say that that's the most immediate concern, the debris question interfering with spy satellites or would you say -- are you more concerned about stopping an arms race?

MR. CASEY: Again, in terms of anything related to intelligence, I'm going to stick to our usual policy. In terms of this, though, I think you'd talk to the folks at NASA or otherwise, but there's always concern whenever there's debris in space, regardless of the cause, for the potential impact it might have on commercial satellites on manmade -- or sorry -- manned space missions like the space shuttle, on the international space station, you know, on anything that's potentially up there. And I think you've certainly seen given the history of some of the events of manned space flight that, you know, small things can cause very big problems. So it's a general concern in the short term. And again, I think the longer term consideration is the possible questions that arise about what Chinese intentions are, is this a one-time incident, is this something broader and what specifically is their, you know, their goal in this activity.

QUESTION: But will --



MR. CASEY: You guys are vastly approaching the outer reaches of my knowledge of this, not to use -- and it's not the final frontier for me, but it's getting close. (这里注册真麻烦: 算了, 别在问下去了)

QUESTION: Will Chris Hill be addressing this tomorrow in his meetings in Beijing?

MR. CASEY: I think Chris is intending to talk about six-party talks in Beijing. It's certainly nothing that he's scheduled to discuss. I can't tell you if it will or won't come up, though. His primary meeting is with his six-party counterpart.


QUESTION: One more -- one more on this. Did the Chinese inform the U.S. in advance of this test that they were planning to do it or any U.S. agencies?

MR. CASEY: I'm not aware that there was any advance notice given to us on this. I don't think they provided such notice to anyone.


MR. CASEY: Yeah. It's okay, Kirit.

QUESTION: Maybe hopefully this will be the last one. Just wondering --

MR. CASEY: Well, we're getting close, I'm sure. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: We're getting close, I'm sure. If you could say whether the U.S. considers this any sort of challenge in space and also if you had an indication why this test was taken now?

MR. CASEY: Well, again, I think those are some of the questions that we've put to the Chinese in terms of the -- you know, not only the nature of what they've done, but the purpose and intent and, you know, why they chose to do it at this particular point in time. So I really don't have any answers to offer you on that. In terms of again, you know, what this represents for the United States. Well, clearly, it represents a concern that we have. That's why we've gone and talked to the Chinese about it. Again, I think we need to wait and hear back from them a little more before we make any kind of evaluation about what longer-term consequences this might have.

Let's go back here and then we'll go over to Elise.

QUESTION: To your knowledge, has the U.S. and China expressed an interest in the possibility of formal agreements banning the militarization of space?

MR. CASEY: At this point, I'm not aware of any contacts between us on that particular subject, at least not recently.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-21 13:23 | 只看该作者

中国军方谈击毁卫星:美国有点神经质 其实技术一般

<CENTER>中国军方谈击毁卫星:美国有点神经质 其实技术一般 </CENTER>新闻来源: 环球时报 于January 21, 2007 11:17:24 

<!--bodybegin--><SCRIPT language=JavaScript src="http://www.6park.com/news/gold.js"></SCRIPT>国媒体星期三称,美国情报部门相信中国于1月11日成功地进行了一次反卫星武器测试。这是近来美国等西方媒体极力渲染中国新型武器装备和军事技术的最新一则消息,同一天的《华盛顿时报》则称,俄罗斯和中国发展太空武器已经“对美国的太空财产造成了威胁”。众所周知,美国在太空技术领域是当今世界的绝对霸主,其太空军事技术的优势比其海空军的优势更加明显,美国还是唯一公开宣称正在实施太空战计划的国家,而上述这些消息给人的印象却是,美国的太空军事优势岌岌可危。对此,中国军事科学院战略研究部彭光谦少将对《环球时报》说,中国的太空探索都是和平的。美国这个报道本身就值得怀疑。美国在新国家太空政策中曾表示,不让任何“敌视美国利益”的国家对美国在外太空构成威胁。美国“现在有点神经质”,对中国在外太空活动的这种猜测是没有根据的。





不知是巧合还是其他原因,《华盛顿时报》17日也聚焦在中国的反卫星武器上。该报的一篇文章称,美国国防部情报局局长梅普尔斯上周在参议院作证时表示, “世界上有些国家发展空间作战能力,对美国的空间财产造成了威胁。”尽管梅普尔斯并没有指明哪一个国家,但该报道认为,中国和俄罗斯反卫星武器已经引起了布什政府不安。美国官员表示,中国与俄罗斯和以色列合作已研发了几种激光武器,俄罗斯早在冷战期间就开始了反卫星武器的研制,还企图通过国际空间武器禁令阻拦美国的空间防卫计划。


“中国测试反卫星武器”立即引起许多议论。在美国“Blog Spot”网站关于“中国问题”的博客群中,一位名为杰弗里的美国军控专家称,布什一直试图建立一套禁止国际反卫星武器测试的行为标准,以限制其他国家进行类似的测试。不过,另一篇评论认为,中国现在还不可能把飞过中国上空的美国卫星摧毁。“这个测试可能只是个明示,等于对外宣称中国要成为世界和太空大国的意图和现实必须被接纳。”上世纪60年代,中国曾用导弹击落了由台湾飞行员驾驶的美国U2飞机。中国现在把眼光放得更高了。该文认为,中国明白美国的目光盯在太空上,所以想方设法对抗美国在这方面的优势。看来,布什政府去年推出的太空政策,不仅没有加强美国在太空的强势地位,反而坚定了其他国家寻求自己在太空的利益的决心。美国《基督教科学箴言报》不久前在题为“中国发展太空武器给美国敲响了警钟”的报道中称,有专家认为,中国在太空武器方面的努力已使美国感到紧迫。不过也有专家认为,中国的太空武器项目现在处于初始阶段,有些只存在于编写军事杂志的解放军年轻军官的想象中。

美国很早就把中国想象为太空战的“敌人”。早在2001年1月,美国进行第一次“施里弗1”太空战演习时,就假想代表敌人的红方正威胁一个弱小的邻国 “褐方”,而代表美国的蓝方进行干预。英国《每日电讯报》当时认为,显然红蓝双方分别代表中国和美国,演习设想的是美中由于台湾问题而发生战争。







彭光谦说,在军事上,美国对中国的陆军并不担心,美国担心中国能够得着美国的地方,这就是中国的远程打击力量,包括太空、核和海空打击能力。然而,随着全球经济的一体化,中美两国的利益交融也越来越快,从某种程度上来说,中美两国一损俱损,而不可能像当年美苏那样全面对抗。我们可以预见的是,在相当长的一段时间内,中美两国利益的交融和摩擦都是常态,美国对中国的牵制、怀疑也是常态。 一位专家对记者说,太空可能是人类发展的最终目的地。一旦在太空发生战争,仅就太空武器碎片而言,此后航天器的升空将会受到巨大的威胁,人类探索太空的步伐会放慢甚至裹足不前,这对人类科技发展,甚至人类本身的命运来说,将是一场灾难。
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发表于 2007-1-21 13:43 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-21 22:20 | 只看该作者








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