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[电脑] IBM ThinkPad390X 充电池问题请教。

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发表于 2002-8-7 12:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
请教: 我有一 IBM 手提电脑 390X, 昨天白天还用的好好的,晚上开机开道一半,突然自动关机。从新检查(忘记是否没插好电源),再开机, 能进入OS. 但是发现电池为 0, 说我没有电池 on line. 我把底座的电池拔出,从新插上,有时检查的出电池,有时不行(Bad battery)。 当检查出电池时,说电池量为 98%,正在充电(recharging),(该电池平时充满电也就为98%),但是我尝试拔掉外接电源时,机子马上关掉(就跟 PC拔掉电源一样)。好象充电池不能放电或什么的。 请问问题出在哪?电池要换吗?大概多小钱?谁有经验? 哪里修比较便宜? 万分感谢!      :confused:       :confused:
发表于 2002-8-7 14:41 | 只看该作者
To replace a new battery will definitely kill you! You should be blamed as you should take the battery out when working at home to avoid over charge, though IBM claims it has battery protection tech. Now you can check the website of Radioshack as they now has a service called "battery rebuild program", I guess the price for a quality repair in Radioshack should be much cheaper than buy a new one, plus you can also ask for the warranty when you have your battery repaired. Check it out http://www.radioshack.ca/estore/default.aspx?language=EN-CA
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发表于 2002-8-7 15:58 | 只看该作者
thanks a lot!
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发表于 2002-8-7 19:48 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-8-14 18:50 | 只看该作者
bin123 :

你好! 请问你的机器还在吗? 我想把我的电池拿到你那试试, 行吗??请回信到: can2000@sympatico.ca, thanks!
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