我有一手提(WIN XP), 一台式(WIN 98). 今天我试着用网线直接把两台电脑连了起来, 然后在WIN98的网络邻居里试着找另一台电脑.
然后出来一个对话框, 说找不到. 要我看索引里的网络问题解答. 然后我按它说的, 试着添加网络的连网协议. 机器说: 协议已经安装好.
此时我准备放弃2台电脑的联机. 然后台式机说, 需重新启动. 重启动后, 就一直停在WIN 98的蓝天白云界面,进不了系统.
我在拔掉和没拔掉网线的情况下, 在DOS里重装了98. 还是进不了系统. 出来一段话:
Can't find a device file that maybe needed to run windows. Windows registry file or SYSTEM.INI file refer to this device file, but device file no longer exist.
If you want to delete this file on purpuse, try uninstalling the associated application using its uninstall or setup prgram.
If you will want to use the application with this device file, try reinstablling that application to replace the missing file.
z:vvinesd.386 press any key to continue.
我CONTINUE后, 机器出来蓝屏和鼠标, 然后就不动了.
我不懂电脑. 总觉得我那个找网络邻居留了一个"记忆痕"在WIN98里, 使机器启动不了.
知道这里有高手, 哪位朋友可以帮我解决这问题?因为机器里有我父母的很多照片, 不舍得格式化硬盘.....
非常谢谢!!! cawyan@hotmail.com |