With your TD Visa Card, TD Canada Trust branches will cash almost any cheque drawn on a Canadian financial institution that's payable to you -- up to your available credit limit, <nobr>to a maximum</nobr> of $2,000 a day -- whether you have a <nobr>TD Canada Trust</nobr> account or not.
With your TD Visa Card, TD Canada Trust branches will cash almost any cheque drawn on a Canadian financial institution that's payable to you -- up to your available credit limit, <NOBR>to a maximum</NOBR> of $2,000 a day -- whether you have a <NOBR>TD Canada Trust</NOBR> account or not.
Post by leon
找人帮你呀,你和另外一个有银行帐号的朋友一起去银行,(你出示证件,有的时候银行不管你要,看那人的情况了,因为他对支票上边的金额付责任了),然后两人分别在支票背后签名,然后存到他的帐户里边.一般来说支票的金额会被冻结5个工作日! ;) 上边有朋友给了你错误信息!不是你拿着任何支票银行都给你兑现,你拿着BMO别人给你的个人支票去叫TD兑现.TD不可能给你兑现,假的个人支票现在满天飞!!是政府支票,1500元之内,出示两份有效证件,银行不可以拒绝给你兑现.(因为联邦和省政府对1500以下金额的假支票负责,如果有两个证件号码在支票背面)!;) 我想你应该是个人支票.对吧??;) 我想给你支票的人,就是想把给你的工资算到他的费用中,其实付你现金不是一样的吗??都可以做进帐去.:rolleyes: