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[联谊] Snowboard 与 Ski 之间

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-26 17:30 | 只看该作者
不知道为什么很多人都对snowboard有偏见,特别是华人。但根据National Ski Areas Association(美国滑雪协会)的统计,Fatalities和Serious Injuries的大多数是skier。不翻译了,自己看吧。


  Fatalities - According to the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA): During the past 10 years,  about 37.1 people have died skiing/snowboarding per year on average.  During the 2006/07 season,  22 fatalities occurred out of the 55.1 million skier/snowboarder days reported for the season.   Eighteen of the fatalities were skiers (15 male, 3 female) and 2 of the fatalities were snowboarders,  both male. In two of the cases the equipment used was reported as unknown. The rate of fatality  converts to .40 per million skier/snowboarder visits.

    Serious Injuries - Serious injuries (paraplegics, serious head and other serious injuries) occur  at the rate of about 43.7 per year, according to the NSAA.  In the 2006/07 season, there were 40  serious injuries. Twenty-four of these serious injuries were skiers (20 males, 4 females) and 16  were snowboarders, (14 male, 2 female). The rate of serious injury in 2006/07 was .73 per million  skier/snowboarder visits.

       NOTE: A skier/snowboarder visit represents one person visiting a ski area for all or any part of  a day or night and includes full-day, half-day, night, complimentary, adult, child, season and  any other ticket types that gives one the use of an area's facility.

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发表于 2007-11-26 18:54 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-26 20:18 | 只看该作者
Post by christmas111


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发表于 2007-11-26 22:21 | 只看该作者

ski and snowboard

I am too under the impression (possibly a wrong one) that many of snowboarders are young "kids" - maybe that's exactly why there are fewer "elderly" people trying to learn it. But age does not prevent one from doing it. I saw a local man in his 50's trying to learn how to ride it and falling awkwardly quite often, but eventually he made it. One more data point, I am in my 30's, started snowboarding during the last ski season, and found a lot of enjoyment in it. In my personal opinion, it is more enjoyable than skiing. But I do agree with some of the folks out there that the initial learning curve is a little bit steeper than skiiing.
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-26 22:59 | 只看该作者
Post by oakwoods
I am too under the impression (possibly a wrong one) that many of snowboarders are young "kids" - maybe that's exactly why there are fewer "elderly" people trying to learn it. But age does not prevent one from doing it. I saw a local man in his 50's trying to learn how to ride it and falling awkwardly quite often, but eventually he made it. One more data point, I am in my 30's, started snowboarding during the last ski season, and found a lot of enjoyment in it. In my personal opinion, it is more enjoyable than skiing. But I do agree with some of the folks out there that the initial learning curve is a little bit steeper than skiiing.

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发表于 2007-11-26 23:32 | 只看该作者
Post by shadow


[url=\"http://sonicwithtails.photo.163.com/\"] [/url]
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-27 00:04 | 只看该作者
Post by christmas111

唉,这是另外一个误区啦。boarder在别人眼中的乱来,其实是ski和snowboard天生的不同造成的。snowboard只有一块板,但因为是横着站,重心平衡的调整有前后中间、toe、heel(6点),再加上身体的起伏。会在这些点之间做到转换重心平衡,才能算会滑。而能做到切换自如,才能算滑好了。而所谓的乱来,很多时候人家是在练习。其实这也是很多这边华人boarder的误区。周六和我们东岸最厉害的华人boarder,即将成为4级教练的pan滑了几次。他的水平毋庸置疑,但他并不是滑花式的,而且那天用的是专门carving用的long board。但在我要求下,他轻而易举地做了好几个trick。这就是因为他对重心平衡已经熟悉得不行了。真正滑好了snowboard,无论freestyle还是freeride,不是能在黑道上飞驰而下那么简单的。
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发表于 2007-11-27 13:16 | 只看该作者
Post by shadow
唉,这是另外一个误区啦。boarder在别人眼中的乱来,其实是ski和snowboard天生的不同造成的。snowboard只有一块板,但因为是横着站,重心平衡的调整有前后中间、toe、heel(6点),再加上身体的起伏。会在这些点之间做到转换重心平衡,才能算会滑。而能做到切换自如,才能算滑好了。而所谓的乱来,很多时候人家是在练习。其实这也是很多这边华人boarder的误区。周六和我们东岸最厉害的华人boarder,即将成为4级教练的pan滑了几次。他的水平毋庸置疑,但他并不是滑花式的,而且那天用的是专门carving用的long board。但在我要求下,他轻而易举地做了好几个trick。这就是因为他对重心平衡已经熟悉得不行了。真正滑好了snowboard,无论freestyle还是freeride,不是能在黑道上飞驰而下那么简单的。


ski和snowboard 哪个比较好学? ski 对10岁的小孩子比较容易,1。他们不需要掌握中心问题。2。他们的复制能力很强,学的很快,很标准。3。速度快,小孩子喜欢速度快 对于成人来说,你们就没有他们的优势了。 snowboard 对10岁的小孩来说是非常难的,1。他们要注意重心问题。2。 他们的力量不够。3。他们的自信心和耐力没有大人的好。相对而言,成人就比较有优势!除非,你耳水不平衡~~
在雪场,真正乱来的不是skier 也不是 snowboarder 。 是那些自以为是,老是在那里追求速度而不顾忌别人安全的人。
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发表于 2007-11-27 15:40 | 只看该作者
Post by shadow

我觉得玩SB的人一般都会装备上头盔等重要护具,保护好头部和PP之后,也就没多少受伤的机会了; 而玩 SKI的初学者带护具的不多,虽然SKI容易学,但一旦双板交叉而摔倒的话,扭伤脚踝或膝盖的可能性大增,(而且这种情况下就算你有头盔等护具也没用),所以我个人觉得玩SKI受伤的可能性反倒大些.

这些年在雪场玩, 我见到的受伤的朋友好像都是玩SKI的.

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发表于 2007-11-27 18:36 | 只看该作者
Post by shadow


I think it has higher potential to get injuried skiing then snowboarding ... snowboarding is easier to learn, though requires a more exponential learning curve ... snowboard is safer for the relatively older people (if not learning from scratch)

Most sbers learn riding through falling ... so our pain tolerance level is beyond the AVPU classification

Anyway, Jay Peak was awesome last Sunday. St Anne/Le Massif for Xmas? What is your plan for Xmas  ==> Leon/Shadow.
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