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回答: 让我们自己改变生活环境 - 在读博士因防卫面临起诉--后续 由 幸福中的人 于 2007-04-07 12:00:49
Email 回馈:
那是一个冬天的晚上,我走在Hyde park 外边的马路旁,一个白人从旁边的草地上爬起来走在我前边,并向马路上张望。我以为他要过马路,谁知突然间马路上没有了车辆来往,这个20岁左右的白人突然转过身来拦住我,让我把手机拿出来。我想跑,(我是一个女生)可他紧紧拉住我,手里拿着注射器威胁我,我不知道他的注射器上是否有病菌,非常害怕,把手机给我他。他拿到手机后就逃跑了。英国的治安真的是很令人担忧,尤其作为海外留学生,在英国的人身,财产安全没有良好的保障
I have been studying in Leeds for nearly 5 years and I have had lots of fun whilst living here. At the same time, I have also been suffering a lot from personal safety problems. In these 5 years, I have heard of many cases of things being stolen, people being robbed and burgled, from my friends and my colleagues.I will just give you one example here but unfortunately there are many more. I used to live in a building, which had 32 flats for students. I am talking about the flats at Providence Avenue. One day, I was at home with my flatmate, who was studying in her room and was listening to music from her laptop. She left her window open to have some fresh air (we were living on the first floor). She went to the kitchen, which is located next to the room she was studying, to make coffee for herself. I also joined her in making coffee. Whilst we were making the coffee, I heard a “bang” from her room. I asked her if she heard anything. She apparently did hear something as well and we both went back into her room. We saw a guy making his way out of the window and the guy was trying to steal her laptop. We started shouting and that guy ran away. We ran to the window and saw that there were two more guys stood on the street. They hid behind a wall when they saw us. After about 2 minutes, they stood up and left and we saw their faces. It was only for 3 minutes that my flatmate left her room and left her window opened unattended, and we were both at home. My flatmate checked her belongings and she realised that her mobile phone was stolen. We then called police, who came and asked information. The police recorded details, took finger prints and followed their regular procedure. The police took my flatmate to recognise those two guys from the photos they had but the two guys were in none of the photos. We told the policeman that we had seen those two guys before and that we were sure that they lived in the back street. We hoped that the police found them but we didn’t hear anything from the police afterwards. We are international students, who are spending lots of money on our academic and living fees whilst living here. We have a right to live and study here without the constant fear of thieves and burglars of the city, making an easy target of the money we have, that we need to use in life. I hope the city council can do something for us, for the international students, who always will remember the years spent in university. Let them not be miserable years due to burglars thinking they can get away with traumatizing us international students.
我来英国5年,今年2月份,我读MSc的时候,我和朋友3人(1男一女)在晚上回家的路上遭到3个英国小流氓的挑衅,用中文骂我们,我于是上前理论。他们就开始动手,把我的脸胛骨打碎3片。当时还住了医院1天。回家修养了3个星期。警察来了后就简单处理了下,事后几天我们还去了警察局做了笔录。后来法院每次开庭都是对方不承认犯罪,做了赔偿判决也没有执行。现在法院居然要等到 2007年7月再审理,估计那时候我已经回国了,明显就是在拖你。这次袭击时间很明显,所以应该很快有结论。我不知道英国的司法程序,可是我觉得对留学生很不公平。我愿意把我的事情做证,如果有什么需要帮忙请联系我。
1:一中国女孩打工回家的路上被英国人劫持,抢包。 2: 我在leeds的时候我们楼下女孩的屋子被一个黑人破门而入,抢走了一台手提电脑,一个手机。而当时其他屋子里都有人在,抢匪嚣张的不在乎是否屋子有人。 3: 一名中国女孩在学校打扫卫生时险些被英国男子强奸。 4:一个法国男孩晚上被一群英国男孩(大约15-20岁)围攻,头部被打伤,毫无理由。 4:一些同学在屋子中吃饭,有几个英国男孩从窗子而入,在其它屋子中进行行窃,毫无顾忌。 5:平时走在路上,随时都会有英国小孩子扔石子。
在利兹大学附近Archery Road, 及Kelsohardens 住时,曾经两次被盗。室友丢失笔记本电脑,手机,相机等物品。 并在Leeds Brandey 被英国人泼啤酒。 支持呼吁!改善治安环境,保护华人安全。
很痛心一次又一次地听说中国人在英国受到侵犯,不由的想起自己的遭遇。在英国仅仅一年的时间里,曾经在遭到袭击后,手机,钱包被抢,还要拖着受伤的身体为凑足回家的车费四处求援;曾经被人破门而入,洗劫一空,只留下一片狼藉。一个 housemate也曾多次在骑车途中遇到骚扰,被石头砸过,被唾沫喷过,还被人猛拍过后脑。当不幸每每发生时,我们怎么办?当孤身一人的时候,常选择忍气吞声,结果却只是助长了对方的气焰;希望大家的共同努力能唤起这个国家对华人安全环境的重视。 |