Post by liujqw2006
Hi, Friends:
Thank you for your time in reading my messages. (This sentence is grammatically correct, but not a usual expression. Thank you for taking your time to read my messages, or thank you for your time to answer me.)
If I am wrong, please point it out. (please correct me if I am wrong. If you find mistakes in my messages, please point them out. Please point out if I am wrong) I am learning too. No one can say his or her English is perfect, I suppose. (not necessary, everyone knows it).
As a tutor of English (As an English tutor), I have to write conventional English, or formal, as some people call it; (Wordy. As an English tutor, I prefer formal writing. )otherwise my students would not get good grades in their exams. (logically this sentence is wrong. How ur writing style would affect students' exam grades? Readers would get confused. BTW, personally I think your writing sytle will only mislead your students and even lead to disastrous consequences on their writing performance. Take some esl writing courses ASAP!!)
Furthermore, every person has his or her own style in writing (writing style). In this aspect, I am rather convervative. I don't like English with too many colloguial expressions. (my opinion, you should learn colloguial expressions. they are very useful in speaking and writing.It's not a matter of writing style. It's about making your writings simple and clear on a forum.)
Finally, I don't know how to proofread what I write in this forum. I admit that sometimes I write in a rush. However, I will try my best to write carefully in the future. (you are not writing an argument. These transition words are unneccessary).
Once again, thank you very much.
There are some more problems with your writing. I don't know how to fix them.... Hope other people can help you out. |