Hi, I've tried to reach you from the e-mail you offered, however, it does not work out.
I am the sales assistant of Canaccord Capital's senior IA and Vice President. If you would like to discuss your portfolio, we would like to assist you. We can offer a free, no-obligation review for your personal portfolio. Meanwhile, we also encourage you to visit our company's website at www.canaccord.com to find out the more info. and background of Canaccord Capital. Canaccord Capital is the largest full-service investment firm besides the banks. We offer various investment products, from very conservative to highly speculative products, upon your need and background. So feel free to contact me. If you have time to pass by downtown, give me a call during office hours from 9 to 5.
Michael H. Meng, M.A.
Sales Assistant
Canaccord Capital Corporation
1010 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 1000
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2R7
Tel: (514) 844-5443 X 1197
Fax: (514) 284-1578