You've seen the pro's use them. You've heard your fishing buddies rave about their ability to increase casting accuracy. Maybe it's time you moved up in the world of fishing and got yourself a baitcasting reel.
Baitcasting reels give anglers more control over lure placement than other types of reels. They enable you to place lures right up next to logs, within inches of the shoreline, or right in the middle of heavy cover. Unfortunately, baitcasters also have a reputation for being more difficult to use than other types of reels. However, with the proper technique, correct reel settings and state-of-the-art equipment, any angler can learn to use a baitcaster like a pro.
The firest step to successful baitcasting is to hold the reel properly. Many anglers assume they should hold the rod so that the reel faces them in an upright position, but that's not correct. After pressing the freespool button, hold the spool in place with your thumb and turn the rod sideways so the reel's handle faces upward. The reel should stay this way throughout the cast.
Begin releasing thumb pressure about halfway through your forward casting motion to let line out. To prevent backlashes in the line, you must apply just enough pressure on the spool with your thumb as the lure flies through the air so that the rotating speed of the spool never exceeds the speed of the line coming off of it.
The ability to apply the right amount of thumb pressure is primarily a function of practice, but you can also reduce backlashes if you set the reel's braking system properly. Most baitcasting reels have centrifugal braking systems. The brakes are activated by the spinning action of the reel's spool. The faster the spool spins, the more tension the brakes apply to it. Think of it as a sort of an automatic thumb.
To set the system, turn the brake knob tightly clockwise, then press the freespool button. Your lure will not descend. Now turn the brake knob slowly counter-clockwise until the lure starts to fall. Fine-tune the knob so the lure falls slowly, without having to jiggle the rod, when you take your thumb off the spool. Remember that you must repeat the process whenever you tie on a new lure with a different weight.
Although a help, the ability of centrifugal brakes to prevent backlashes is limited.
In recent years, however, newer reels have been developed with magnetic spool braking systems that minimize backlashes far better than the older centrifugal systems. Many newer reels have internal magnets that exert precisely the right amount of tension on the spool during a cast. Magnetic brakes are more effective way at automatically increasing or decreasing drag at different spool speeds so the line has less tendency to get out of control.
Like centrifugal brakes, magnetic brakes are adjustable. How much control you should apply depends on your skill level and the conditions under which you are fishing. If you're just learning to cast, you'll probably want to set the reel for a high degree of magnetic tension. Once you get the hang of it you can select a looser setting, which will enable you to cast further. Also, if you're using heavy lures or casting into the wind you might want to increase the magnetic control because these conditions have more potential to create backlash in the line.
Even though magnetic braking systems are more advanced, many anglers still prefer centrifugal brakes in certain situations. That's why some baitcasters feature both systems. You can operate the reel's magnetic or centrifugal brakes independently or use them in conjunction with each other. Whether you need tight automatic braking or you want to control most of the tension yourself, there's a setting for every condition and skill level.
So put aside your fears of using a baitcasting reel and get the tackle that will improve your fishing success.
With the right equipment and a little practice, you too will be casting like a pro.
BAITCASTING RIG是一种非常有魅力的装备,使用后感觉越用越喜欢,尤其是在搭配中/重/或大型假饵时,它能很轻松方便的做出各种CASTING动作,而且甩竿定点准确度高.
BAITCASTING 竿和轮简直就是为所有假饵而生的!