Smelt fishing
Special conditions apply to fishing for smelt at certain places. The dip-net, landing net or spear are permitted under the following conditions.
It should be noted that in a stretch of a salmon river where smelt fishing is authorized, this species may be fished at night, from December 1 to April 24 in 2009 and to April 23 in 2010.
A resident without a licence or a non-resident who holds a sportfishing licence can fish up to 120 smelts per day*:
- Using a spear, from December 20 to March 31, in the following rivers: Bonaventure, between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and the downstream side of the old bridges on Highway 132; Malbaie, du Grand Pabos and du Grand Pabos Ouest, downstream of Highway 132; Port-Daniel, downstream of a line joining the marker situated on Lot 237-1 of the Rang north of the harbour to the marker situated on Lot 709 of the Rang west of the harbour; Petit Pabos, downstream of the Giroux bridge; York, downstream of the Wakeham bridge (Zone 1).
- Using a spear, from December 1 to March 31, in the Petite rivière Port-Daniel river downstream of the CN bridge (Zone 1).
- Using a landing net or dip-net, from April 1 to May 31, in Zone 21, except in the following waters:
- The interior waters of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine; rivière Ouelle, the stretch comprised between the downstream side of the Highway 132 bridge and a straight line joining the point of the rivière Ouelle and the mouth of the Gagnon brook;
- De l’Église brook, in the municipality of Beaumont, (see Exceptions to the fishing periods of the Zone 21, on the Department's web site);
- The waters of Zone 21 where the daily catch limit is 60 smelts, and which are described in the section Maps of the zones, fishing periods and catch limitsExceptions to the fishing seasons of the zone 21, page on the Department's web site.
The holder of a sportfishing licence may fish, using a landing net or a dip-net, up to 120 smelts per day* :
- From May 1 to 31, in lakes Archambault, Corbeau and Croche and their tributaries (Zone 9), in the following rivers: Bonaventure, between the downstream side of the old Highway 132 bridges and the Malin rapids; Ristigouche, from Broadlands to Silarsville (Zone 1).
- From April 1 to May 15, in the rivière Mastigouche, between its mouth and the first upstream bridge (Zone 15); in the waters of Zones 4, 5 and 6, except for the following waters:
- Zone 4 – The rivers: Ashberham (Noire), from Petit lac Saint-François to Grand lac Saint-François; Coulombe, from the Highway 161 bridge to its mouth in lac Aylmer, including the small bay facing its mouth; Aux Bluets, Aux Indiens, De l’Or and Aux Rats Musqués, from Grand lac Saint- François to the second bridge upstream of this lake (see Fishing periods and catch limits, on the Department's web site); Saint-François, from Grand lac Saint-François to lac Aylmer; from the Saint-Gérard bridge to the first narrows downstream; and from the Westbury hydroelectric dam at the first narrows downstream of the Cascades Co. dam in East Angus to the railway bridge downstream; Victoria and its tributaries; as well as lakes Mégantic and Elgin and their tributaries.
- Zone 5 – Castle and Perkins brooks, from their source to lac Memphrémagog.
- Zone 6 – The rivers: Magog, from the Dominion Textile dam at Magog to the first bridge downstream, and from the Magog hydroelectric dam to the Highway 55 bridge; Massawippi, from the dam 1.6 km from lac Massawippi to the first bend downstream; Niger, from its outlet to Highway 143; Saint-François, from the Kruger dam in Bromptonville to the eastern tip of the island situated downstream, and from the Domtar dam in Windsor to the first bridge downstream; Tomifobia, from its outlet to Highway 141; Taylor brook (a tributary of lac Memphrémagog);
- and lakes D’Argent and Massawippi and their tributaries.
Pêche sportive au Québec
The holder of a sportfishing licence may fish, using a landing net or a dip-net, up to 500 smelts per day*:
- from May 1st to May 31st, in the following lakes as well as their tributaries: Carré, Ouimet, Quenouille, Supérieur (Zone 9), Des Écorces (Zone 10) and Chaud (Zone 11).
- From April 15 to May 20, in the rivière Aux Rats between lac Aux Rats and latitude 49°30’ N (Zone 28).
* For the authorized possession limit, see the section Catch, possession and lenght limits, page 12.