rockbass 应该可以了
Post by mike2000;2598866
这几天看了几乎所有的帖子, 弄不明白 rockbass 是任意钓的还是有禁钓规定的(开禁时间和数量限制), 在你们这些帖子上有不同的说法, 弄不明白谁说得对, 请大师指教一二. 谢谢!
本人也是对此问题糊涂了好几年,你的帖子让我下决心研究一番,经查证,rockbass 属于sunfish 类的,没有限制,请看来自官方的资料:
<H2 hasbox="2">Zone 8</H2>
The table 1 present the fishing periods and the daily catch limits of sport fish interest of Québec, for the zone 8. There are many exceptions to these fishing periods and to these catch limits. To find out the exceptions, consult table 2. :
Table 1 – Fishing periods and Catch limit (Zone 8)
Zone 8 Note C1
Species [Catch limit] Note A2009-20102010-2011 Stripped bass Fishing prohibited Fishing prohibitedBass [6 in all], muskellunge [1]from June 19, 2009
to March 31, 2010from June 18, 2010
to March 31, 2011Pike [6 in all], yellow perch [50]from May 1st, 2009
to March 31, 2010from May 7, 2010
to March 31, 2011Walleye [6 in all]from May 8, 2009
to March 31, 2010from May 14, 2010
to March 31, 2011Sturgeon [1 in all] from June 15, 2009
to October 31, 2009from June 15, 2010
to October 31, 2010American shad [5], char [10 in all], landlocked salmon [3], atlantic salmon [1] Note B, lake trout and splake [2 in all], trout [5 in all], black crappie [30], other species [no limit]Year-roundYear-rounddefinitions
In this brochure, the following terms designate:
- Anadromous: fish that live in the sea and spawn in fresh water.
- Angling: fishing by means of a line or a rod and line to whichare attached hooks or artificial lures that may be baited. This definition includes fly fishing, but does not include fishing by means of a night line.
- Artificial lure: a spoon, simulated minnow, artificial fly or any other device made of feathers, fibres, rubber, wood, metal, plastic or similar materials that has one or more hooks.
- Bait-trap: a trap without wing or leaders, made of netting or wire or plastic mesh measuring no more than 60 cm in length and 25 cm in diameter and having funnelshaped openings the smallest of which is no greater than 2.5 cm in diameter.
- Bass: smallmouth bass and largemouth bass, unless otherwise indicated.
- Bullhead: includes brown bullhead, yellow bullhead and stonecat.
- Catadromous: fish that live in fresh water and spawn in the sea.
- Char: brook trout and Arctic char, unless otherwise indicated.
- Dip-net: a net whose mesh does not exceed 2.5 cm when fully extended on what is generally a square frame, measuring no more than 1.3 m in its greatest dimension, and suspended on a rope.
- Fish: a fish or any part there of, including shellfish (mussels, oysters, etc.) and crustaceans (shrimp, crawfish, etc.).
- Fishing: to catch or attempt to catch fish by any means whatsoever.
- Fly fishing: fishing by means of a fly line mounted on a rod designed specifically for that type of fishing and to which artificial flies are attached.
- Lake trout: includes lake trout and splake trout.
- Landing net: a bag-shaped net mounted on a frame, measuring no more than 90 cm in diameter.
- Landlocked salmon: freshwater Atlantic salmon.
- National park: designates a Québec national park, unless otherwise mentioned in the text.
- Other species: includes, at the end of a list of fish species, the species that are not mentioned in this list. This designation varies according to the case.
WalleyeFishing prohibited Other species April 24 - March 31 The designation Other species refers here to all other species than walleye, such as pike, bass, etc.
- Pike: grass pickerel, chain pickerel, redfin pickerel and northern pike.
- Redhorse: river redhorse, silver redhorse, copper redhorse, greater redhorse and shorthead redhorse, unless otherwise indicated.
- Resident: any person domiciled in Québec and having resided there for a period of 183 days during the year previous to their fishing activities or application for a licence.
- Salmon: anadromous Atlantic salmon, unless otherwise indicated.
- Sea trout: designates anadromous brook trout.
- Shad: includes American shad and gizzard shad.
- Spouse: designates the de facto spouse who has been living with another person in a marital relationship for at least one year as well as a spouse.
- Sturgeon: lake sturgeon and Atlantic sturgeon.
- Sucker: includes longnose sucker and white sucker.
- Sunfish: includes longear sunfish, bluegill, rock bass and pumpkinseed.
- Trout: rainbow trout, brown trout and cutthroat trout.
- Walleye: walleye and sauger.
- Weighted core line: a fly line that, when folded firmly and then released, remains folded.
- Weighted down line : a fly line to which an external weight is attached.
- Whitefish: includes shallow water cisco, lake whitefish, and round whitefish, unless otherwise indicated.