1。 有浪的激流中翻船。
教训: 一定要保持船与浪垂直,所谓乘风破浪。
如果两个人,则最好一个人划, 以免配合不好,与浪平行了。
去年我和好友通过一个有浪的激流时,就差点翻船,后来就我一个人在后面划, 以便更好控制船的方向。
2。 在风浪中挣扎上岸。
第一, 弃船,因为我很快意识到不可能在浪中把它再翻过来。
第二,象蛙泳那样,浪来时,憋气,浪一过赶紧换气。开始时, 在浪来时,还想待在水面上,还继续呼吸。 别小看20来cm的不起眼的小浪,它足以满过我的嘴鼻,让我呛水。 即使穿了救生衣,我的身体也不可能和小浪一起上下起伏(大浪可以)。 我呛了几下,反应还算快,在没有呛水太严重之前,马上调整,浪来了憋气,浪过就换气。浪还是很有节奏的, 跟上节奏,惊恐过去,和平静水面游泳没什么太大区别, 甚至开始很好体验别样的游泳方式。
Good luck and keep having summer fun, every fisher。
Post by sino_single;3385916
2 men dead after fishing accident on Lake of Two Mountains
Two men from the West Island died early Saturday evening after their canoe capsized in Lake of Two Mountains near Oka.
Sgt. Ronald McInnis of the SQ said the boat the men were in capsized, and that the men were unable to get back into the boat or swim ashore, possibly because of high winds and currents. (Radio-Canada)
The men are Raymond Adams, 34, from Dollard-des-Ormeaux and Craig Walker, 31, from Pierrefonds.
“Around 6 p.m. Sûreté du Québec officers received a call for a body floating near the shore of the Lake of Two Mountains,” said Sgt. Ronald McInnis.
“They were two fishermen aboard the same canoe. We know there were strong winds yesterday so probably the wind or the waves caused them to capsize, and the people were unable to get back into the boat or were able to swim ashore,” McInnis said.
Police rushed to the scene and found one man unconscious on the shore. Within a few minutes, a second person was spotted in the water and a police officer dove into the lake to pull him ashore. Both men were wearing life vests.
The men were declared dead in hospital. |