Monthly services :
Non published listing service 2.00
9-1-1 emergency service 0.21
9-1-1 municipal charge 0.47
Touch-Tone service 2.80
Residence line 19.93
多出一项费用:Non published listing service,回忆起Bell公司人员通知我电话号码时,问我是否需要published listing service ,我想肯定是收费项目,于是未要此功能,没想每月还要再付2刀,真是如此吗?
1、25.41*24/30 = 15.94
2、activation of line 55
关于Non published listing service请有此经验的朋友告诉我是否应该订阅此服务
已经打到BELL证实,Non published listing service 每月2刀,呵呵。在加拿大清净要花钱,给你登到电话号码本上反而是Free,真是不能用国内那套办法来思考。
本人跟接线员说时,本来想说申请把我加到电话本上,后一想不对,只好改口说取消Non published listing service,Funny
Bell will continue to operate as it has since 1993 by requiring new customers, and those who move, to obtain touch-tone. Existing customers will be allowed to continue using rotary at no extra charge.