如果有2个小孩,camping会辛苦一点。7月开始就是旺季,在中午前到达camp site一般都会有位置。如果不放心,可以打电话预定就最好了。 motel可以定到$60--$70的,不过要在GOOGLE找一下。或者在INFOMATION CENTRE让他们帮你订,但要在他们下班前。 就算临时去到目的地,只要晚饭前,一般都可以随时找到motel房间,但价钱就不一定会便宜。 下面是我2年前做的plan和今年的plan,可以参考一下。预算的数据要根据自己的情况修改,我们当时2个人,一半camping, 一半motel。 全部都camping会比较累,但省钱。如果是想休闲游,就不要太多camping。
1.打印HIKING资料, 地图,路线和其他资料。
2.第一天的MOTEL和第2, 3天的CAMPSITE已经预定. 走的前一天确认一次.
气床: $69, 驱蚊水: $9, 冰箱 $27, 汽车直/交流转换器 $35, 小型煤气炉+8个气罐 $36,方便面2箱$28, 腊肠6包$12, 八宝粥12罐$14, 午餐肉,烧烤汁等罐头$15,
煮锅, 驱蚊喷雾2瓶,防嗮油2瓶,芦荟胶一瓶,小药箱(蛇药,退热片,感冒药,黄连素, 易蒙停, 止血贴,伤口消毒水,消炎药,烫伤膏, 牛黄解毒丸….),小冰箱,烧烤叉2个,蜂蜜,烧烤酱,易燃木10块,打火机2个,旧报纸一叠, 毛毯一张,睡袋, DOBLE SIZE气床(带气泵),指南针,望远镜,瑞士军刀,雨布,轻便雨衣, 游泳装备, 小煤气炉, 洗碗布, 洗洁精, 方便面1箱, 蜡肠若干包, 八宝粥一箱, 罐头若干, 开罐头器, 开红酒器, 厨房剪刀, 煤气炉, 煤气, 锅2个(闷烧锅胆, 汤锅), 一小包米, 油, 盐, 糖, 咖啡
For Kayaking: Please bring:
- sunglasses, lotion, hat, bathing suit, footwear.
- if the weather is cool, a windbreaker and extra sweater
- raingear and extra clothes, if necessary
现在PEI, NS日落时间20:360, 预计8月15号左右是20:30.
Day 1
早上8:00 出发. 出发前打电话订旅馆,出发前订Peggy’s Cove的CAMPSITE,连住两天
晚上23:00 到Nappan, 住 Pied Piper Motel (902)667-0330 , 667-1650, 664-8577 $60
Upper Nappan, RR6 Amherst, B4H 3Y4
HWY 104, EXIT 4, TO RTE 2, 2.4KM
#1. $20 Spencer’sIsland campground, with washroom, shower, store., laundromat
#2. $18 Fundy Tides Campground, shower, washrooms, firepits
#3. $21 Cape ChignectoProvincial park campground
Montréal---Advocate Harbour: 13hours, 1034.9 Km
Montreal---Springhill: 11 hrs, 13mins
Montreal---Maccan(Nappan): 11 hrs, 11mins
NB information centre tel. 1 800 561-0123
- Customs Services-General Inquires & Information- 1-800-461-9999
- Weather-1-506-658-2558
Nova Scotia Information and reservations: 1-800-565-0000
Day 2
Cape D’OR白天在附近游玩. 走Ward Fall Hiking Trail。 下午14:00 前离开, 直奔Peggy’s Cove,17:00 到达Peggy’s Cove。 先扎帐篷, 然后再游玩, 并在Peggy’s cove看日落。 晚上住在Peggy Cove附近camping.
Teddy 做的CAMPSITE预定, 带电源的. $25
#1 Glen Margaret(wayside camping park) washroom, whowers, fireplaces, ice, Laundromat, internet connection. $25 (902)823-2547, 823-2271 , Teddy
#2 Indian Harbour washrooms, showers, fireplace $16 (902)823-2582
订DAY 4 cape Breton, ingonish的CAMPSITE!!!订好DAY 5Pleasant Bay的motel 和 DAY 6 Whale seeing的票。
Cape D’or--- Peggy’s Cove: 3hrs , 261km
Cape D’OR---Liverpool: 4hrs , 353km
Day 3
8:30 走灯塔之路.在Lunenburg,停留2小时。此小镇房子多姿多彩,各种颜色都有,非常漂亮. 如果风景不错, 一直开到Liverpool再回头。 中午左右出发去Halifax,游览Maritime Museum of Atlantic和Halifax Citadel National Historic Park. 晚上离开Halifax, 回到Peggy cove营地.。 晚上回Peggy’s Cove营地。
Halifax—Lunenburg: 1hr, 90km
Halifax---Liverpool: 1hr, 40mins, 150 km
Halifax---Peggy’s cove: 35mins
Day 4
进入CAPE BRETON前准备好充足的引用水。
8:30离开,前往Cape Breton。订好DAY 6 的Cheticamp 的CAMPSITE!!!
15:30到达Breton Cape的Ingonish,先扎好帐篷,然后在附近hiking, 漫步沙滩,Kayak. 在information 取更详细的资料.
1. Broad Cove campground, showers, kitchen, $25
2. Ingonish beach campground, washroom, showers, kitchen, $20
#1 http://www.ingonish.com/rockybay/ $70
#2 http://ingonish.com/islandinn/ $70-$80 include breakfast
#3 http://www.ingonish.com/knotty/ $55
Halifax----Ingonish: 6 hrs.
Whale seeing http://www.whaleandsealcruise.com/ $25 25% if take the 9:30 and 5pm one. PLEASANT BAY
Campsite reservation: 1-877-737-3783
From mainland Nova Scotia
If travelling from mainland Nova Scotia, across the Canso Causeway, you can either take Trans Canada Highway 105 to just outside Baddeck and follow the Cabot Trail north to Margaree Forks and Cheticamp, or follow Route 19 (the Ceilidh Trail) along the west coast of Cape Breton Island to Margaree Forks, then follow the Cabot Trail to Cheticamp. Driving time for either route is 2.5 hours.
As you travel through the Park, approximately every 30 kilometres there is a small town or village offering many services and amenities.
Information Centres Hours: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Day 5
8:30出发,沿Cabot Trail慢慢的走,中途在山上HIKING。晚上住在Pleasant Bay的motel. Pleasant Bay 和 Cheticamp的SNOW CRAB很棒!订好DAY 7 wood island附近的motel.
1 http://www.cabottrail.com/MountainView/ $70
Ingonish--- Pleasant Bay: 50mins
Pleasant Bay ---- Cheticamp: 50 mins
Day 6
早上8:00起来, 早上9:30的船看鲸鱼。大概11:30看完,继续走Carbot Trail。订好 DAY 8,9 Cavendish的CAMPSITE,连住2晚!!! 晚上住在Cheticamp附近.
1.http://capebretonisland.com/cheticamp/merrysmotel/contact.htm $45
2.http://cheticampns.com/cheticampoutfitters/ $50--$85
Ingonish----Cheticamp: 1hr, 30mins
Day 7
早上继续在Carbot Trail附近游玩.
下午14:00 开车到Caribou坐渡轮,18:40到渡轮处, 坐19:30的船, 过渡大概1小时, 在渡船上可以吃晚餐。 20:30到达PEI的WOOD ISLAND。晚上在附近motel住.
From Borden-Carleton to Dalvay----
Follow Route #2 east, turn onto Route #25 through to Stanhope then onto Route #6 to the Dalvay entrance of Prince Edward Island National Park.
From Borden-Carleton to Cavendish
Follow the Trans-Canada Hwy to Route 1A through to Kensington, follow Route #6 through to Cavendish.
From Wood Islands to Brackley
Take Trans-Canada Highway through to Charlottetown follow Route #2 to Route #15 through too the Brackley entrance to Prince Edward Island National Park.
From Charlottetown to Greenwich
Take Route #2 east through the village of St. Peter's, then onto Route #313
Cheticamp---Caribou: 4 hours, 36 minutes
Ferry: (0800), 0930, 1115, 1245, 1445, 1615, 1800, 1930, 2100
PEI information centre: 1-888-734-7529
Entrance Kiosks Cavendish : 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Day 8
早上8:30 开车前往CAVENDISH, 扎好帐篷!在CAVENDISH 附近的NATIONAL PARK游玩。走走在沙滩上建的木长廊,Biking, 享受沙滩,海水。Brackley的水比较暖. 中午去RUSTICO的Fisherman Wharf吃龙虾大餐(从Cavendish去,走#6南), 这里有很多的生耗和青口!!!岛上拥有3 条最令人慑服的开车旅游路线。
1.http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=3906&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E Fully service, $22
2.http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=1498&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E $26
Cavendish----Charlottetown: 30mins
http://www.peikayak.ca/tours.html $48 halfday tour
Greenwich features three hiking trails varying in length from 1.25 km to 4.5 kms
Day 9
8:30 停留在CAVENDISH,继续休闲,并参观安妮的小木屋。中午过后开去North Cape,开车走走乡村路,,并沿西边的海岸往下开到Charlottetown, 在城里参观。
1.http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=3906&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E Fully service, $22 CAVENDISH CAMPGROUND
2.http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=1498&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E $26 CAVENDISH SUNSET CAMPGROUND
3.http://www.gov.pe.ca/visitorsguide/search/display.php3?number=3908&thetype=camp&headerLanguage=E $22 STANHOPE CAMPGROUND
Cavendish----Charlottetown: 30mins
Charlottetown---North Cape: 2hrs
Charlottetown---summerside: 1hr
Day 10
8:30 离开PEI,过世界上最长的跨海桥Confederation Bridge. 过桥后回MONTREAL
大概晚上21:00到montreal. 去餐馆大吃一顿!
Charlottetown--- Montreal: 12 hrs. Total Distance: 1080.3 Kilometers
NB: http://www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca
PEI: http://www.peiplay.com
NS: http://novascotia.com
NF: http://www.gov.nf.ca/tourism
1.租车 11days
$400 Discount Car, Without protection.
9 Nights: $60+$70+$22+$22+$22+$23+$70+$22+$22=$333
3. Whale watching
$25 x 2= $50
4. Food
带2箱快食面, 12罐八宝粥, 粤式腊肠5包. 火腿罐头5个,总共$80左右。在各个地方再买一些蔬菜: $4 x 10=$40, Total $80+$40=$120, 就基本上解决肚子问题. 另外带一个便携式的小煤气炉$22, 气罐$5/4罐(一罐能用2小时, 8罐就够用10天了.) , 晚上全部吃海鲜: $40 x 8天= $320
Total: $120+$32+$320= $ 472
5. National park Fee:
$25 x 2= $50
6. Confederation Bridge fee
7. Kayaking
$45 x 2 = $90
8. Gas
Gas: 5000Km = $300
Total: $ 1,720
Sunset time: 21:00
Montreal--> Cavendish.PEI , 12 hrs
(motel in Cavendish)
Cavendish--> Wood Island, Ferry, 1.5 hrs
Ferry--> 18:00 , 75 mins on ship $59 fee (or 16:30 pm ferry)
Caribou, Ferry-->Havre Boucher 1.5 hrs
(motel at Entry of Cape Breton, $65 per night)
Havre Boucher --> Cheticamp, 1:50 hr
Cheticamp---> leasant Bay , 40 mins
(Hostel in Pleasant Bay, they have private room and dorm)
Contact of Hostel:
23349 Cabot Trail, Pleasant Bay,
Jeff, 1-877-224-1976
Pleasant Bay -->Ingonish , 50 mins
Pleasant Bay --> Cape North , 50 mins
Cape North --> Ingonish, 1 hr
(Campsite in Ingonish--> a very nice and large campsite beside the beach with full service:hot water shower, electricity and water hose at each campsite, lincluding security gard)
ingonish --> Entry of Cape Breton, 177 km, 2:15 hr
(Ingonish--> Canso, 3:40 hrs)
(hotel at Entry of Cape Breton)
Entry of Cape Breton --> Canso, 110km, 1:20 hr
Canso to Halifax(Total: 5 hours), (Canso-->(40)Larrys River-->(25)Goldboro-->(51)Sherbrooke-->(1:10)Sheet Harbour-->(1:50)Halifax
Canso--> Halifax , from HWY 102, (Total: 5 hours)
(Stay in Halifax)
Halifax--> Peggy's Cove, 45 mins
Peggy's cove--> Lunenburg, 1:20 mins
Luneburg--> Halifax, 1:10 mins
(Stay in Halifax)
(8:00 am, back to Montreal) Halifax--> Montreal, 12:30 mins
Discount Car Reseration:
9 days rental, Price: $336 (Tax included)
PEI Ferry's schedule: (75 mins ferry)
**** Departing from Wood Island, PEI
June 22-Sept 3 (6:30), 8:00, 9:30, 11:15, 13:00, 14:45, 16:30, 18:00, 19:30
Montreal --> Havre Boucher, entry of Cape Breton, 14 hrs
Cavendish--> Havre Boucher, 5 hrs
这次我们的预算比上次少, 大概$1500 两个人。6月底还是龙虾季节,我现在的同事几年前在Halifax附近的渔港用$50 买了30只龙虾!! ! 我们用$10买了4只很大的活雪蟹!! 但雪蟹季节是从7月中开始,现在太早了。用 maps.live.com 和 maps.google.ca 来做direction, 都比较准。live.com的是微软的地图,非常好,很专业。可以自己设定多个点,然后算出点与点之间的路线。因为有些小镇在上面两个地图网站上面都查不到,就可以自己定出点来算路线。