To jjmmzz,
Shiseido的Bio-Performence Brightening fomula价格是138元plus tax。现在SHISEIDO又出了WHITE LUCENT—美百精华液,如果你已经有早晚用的LOTION OR CREAM,你可以只买这支精华液,我现在正在使用,觉得效果挺好的。价格是120元plus tax。
Thank you for your info. Are you using Bio-performance brightening formula and white lucent together at the same time? For my understanding, Bio-performance brightening formula is good for "去斑", From your experience, could you please tell me what is good for white lucent?
to jjmmzz:
White lucent also is good for "去斑",它是精华液,是用在CREAM之前的,在我看来如果你的斑点不是很多,很严重,不需要把Brightening formula and White lucent 一起使用。用任一种就够了。有什么不明白的地方或者有其他问题再问我好了,非常乐意帮助你!