Hua and other sisters, 眼看我的眼霜和面膜即将用尽, 能否推荐我一个品牌?
我以前用Clinique三步曲加SKII的skin revitalizing cream, 眼霜和面膜则是日本的Kenebo, 现在也买不到Kenebo了(因为我用下来感觉还不错,我T-zone油性,原来的眼霜是液态的), 所以不得不换个牌子, 你觉得Estee-lauder好不好,我就是担心美国的化妆品对亚洲人不合适. 我用过它的彩妆,好象也差强人意. And how about Lancome? I've heard its eye fruid is just so so, isn't it?
Thanks in advance ;)
I agree with "TaoHua". Clinique is not so effective on
females who are above 30. For hydrate and more economic,
I suggest "Vichy", for quality, I perfer "Landcome".
to all:
I participated this kind of ceremony last year in labaie, it`s not bad! they served wine , beverage and varifrom cakes on the convention. maybe you can got some promotions and discounts in certain counters. I looked around and disappointed by not seeing any asia girl in it, I hope this time I will meet some chinese girl there. ;)
Anyboday know which clinique product exclude body care is around $22.5? Holt Renfrew across Canada from is doing promotion. very good gift idea
I have already got enough 3 step during last promotion.
tropical: no offend here, I`m seriously, but what`s`"Holt Renfrew across Canada from" a name or a kind of activity?
are there doing some promotion convention in Holt Renfrew? which brand of cosmetics?