Post by danielwbj
Post by danielwbj
Post by 蛋儿
SIN 卡是不能给任何非政府机构的, 我去换新的SIN卡时, 工作人员看我天天把卡带在身上,专门给我个联系方式让我看看卡有没有被盗用. 那些懂行的人如果知道你的SIN卡,再获取一些容易得到的个人信息,可以让你赔个倾家荡产. 这是办卡时工作人员很严肃告诉我的, 不知道楼上那些牛人的信心来自于何处. 虽然不能杞人忧天,但是也不要盲目自大.
For a complete listing and brief description of the federal legislation and programs which are specifically permitted to use the SIN.
When don’t I have to provide my SIN?
Some private-sector organizations may ask for your SIN. This practice is strongly discouraged, but it is not illegal.
Here are examples of when you don’t have to give your Social Insurance Number or show your card:
proving your identity (except for specific government programs)
completing a job application before you get the job
completing an application to rent a property
negotiating a lease with a landlord
completing credit card application
cashing a cheque
applying for a video club membership
completing some banking transactions (mortgage, line of credit, loan)
completing a medical questionnaire
renting a car
subscribing to long-distance or cellular telephone services