sun_moon. Thank you. If every Chinese people holds your viewpoint, we are hopeful.
To peterz and SanHaoJie:
Obviously, you both have no idea about this story. I'm not so sick to creat any complicated joke.If you really want to provide some comments, please get to Namur matro station by 5:15 am. A long line mainly consisting of Chinese people is there waiting for the bus. Everybody there can tell you the story that repeats everyday.
Far from the reality, yours words unfortunately make no sense. I've no intention to presumably guess your logics and philosophies while so much waiting for me to handle. In my thirties, I'm not a big naive. All our fellow Chinese see where the problem exist and what kind of potential risks, from both inside and outside, cross the path before us. Now, it's too early to forcast a outcome. But whatever it will come to be, I resolve to go on.
For the convenience to contact, I provide my number here.
tel: (514)489-4689 ( My family name is He. Pls call before 11:30pm)
Although I still cannot go to work on the next two days, I'll appear at Namur before you departing in order to exchange information personally.
All those call me who decide to join the coordination group .
本人从今年四月起,时常去这家农场打工,几乎每次都遇上因座位产生的纷争。问题多发生在前两排,似乎那是某几个人的专座。其他印度人都不去占那两排座位。我曾看到与印度人发生纠纷的有中国人,南美人,也有印巴人(与这伙印度人不认识)。从表情和支言片语中,可以看出所有被迫起身让座的人都觉得受到了歧视,受到了不公平对待。印度人为什么这样做?对此解释为野蛮,无理,歧视等等,未免过于简单。今天(8月12日)在车上大家情绪都很激动时,皮特(那个脾气很坏,又开车又寄帐的家伙)喊了一句:This is my bus! 我认为他敢说这车是他的,不管是他(或那伙印度人共同出资)买的,或租的,或借的,至少他拥有这辆车的使用权。假如这是真的,我们所谓“公平”的基础就会发生动摇。因为加拿大不仅是个讲平等,重规则,反对任何形式歧视的社会,而且更是一个尊重个人财产权利的社会。FIRST COME,FIRST TAKE SEATS 用于公共交通车和地铁时,无疑是100%的正确。但在该车产权不明的情况下,使用这句话似乎不大适宜。反而会使印度人感觉先被别人冒犯。当然,这完全是我个人的猜测。知彼知己者,百战不殆。因此,我建议可否先做个调查,比如:可以咨询一下那位叫COOL的越南女士,电话:804-5757,387-4833。套用一句老话作为结束:我是中国人,我爱中国同胞,但我更爱真理。