...the repossession was in bad faith? (收回房屋如果用于不诚实的承诺)
After leaving the dwelling, the tenant notices that it is not being used for the purpose indicated by the landlord and he can prove that the landlord has acted in bad faith : in this case the tenant can claim the material and moral damages he has suffered as well as punitive damages.看来,只要房主与别人签lease,他就违反了让他任何直系亲属来住,而非“出租”的承诺,房客可以要求物资和精神上的赔偿做为对他的惩罚!!
Hello, my friend:
get everthing on paper. No matter what the landlard said, let him writ down on paper. you answer everything on register letter too. Then, you can do something later if he lay to you.