楼主: liminjie8000
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[联谊] 想找爱好写作的朋友

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-4 11:50 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2007-8-4 20:00 | 只看该作者
得了,本来挺真诚地说两句,结果您是不是觉(jiao三声)着俺们是嫉妒您呢,您老得空查查旧贴,俺本人一介小女子名不见经传的就不说了,人家sniper同志可是10贴有7贴跟英文挂点边……前两年在mcgill修creative writing的时候俺和同学们上课得互相读自个儿写的文章交换feedback呢,您这点儿肚量,就您这水平,我提了哈金都后悔,您知道那是谁么?和您分享俺的感受还真是让人觉得浪费智商,您走自己的路去吧,俺不说您,谁都不敢说您,您的英文特别perfect,俺都不好意思用英文回话儿,您慢慢走好好走,争取走到瑞典文学院去,俺在台下给您鼓掌,行了吧。
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发表于 2007-8-4 21:54 | 只看该作者




除了美国的哈金,法国的戴思杰,姗姗等,甚至蒙特利尔的ying chen 都是从外语半通到夺得文学大奖的。据魁省文学辞典介绍,Ying chen刚到蒙特利尔法语只能勉强应付日常生活,在三四年间吧,她就赢得加拿大总督文学奖。她的法语可能也就是楼主的水平。

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发表于 2007-8-6 10:21 | 只看该作者

支持 liminjie8000

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发表于 2007-8-6 14:46 | 只看该作者

what's the problem

I think LZ has said it very clearly since the very beginning: Read, learn, write, and grow.

It's all about learning & sharing together guys, and has nothing to do with being a super star who is followed by admirers, and who likes to show off. It's about "us" not "I Me My Mine Myself", so what's the problem?

Honestly I can't see even a tiny hint of showing off from LZ's posts.

If you're really good at sth and think that it's your cup of coffee, then share it, and please, don't spit into other's coffee.
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发表于 2007-8-6 14:47 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2007-8-6 15:17 | 只看该作者
中文也好, E文也好, 写出有意思的东西都不容易. 我觉得语法不是大事.
我个人的体会, 好东西不一定有高深的语法和词汇, 高手弄的就好看.

Be the change you wish to see in the world
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发表于 2007-8-6 15:56 | 只看该作者
Post by solitair
得了,本来挺真诚地说两句,结果您是不是觉(jiao三声)着俺们是嫉妒您呢,您老得空查查旧贴,俺本人一介小女子名不见经传的就不说了,人家sniper同志可是10贴有7贴跟英文挂点边……前两年在mcgill修creative writing的时候俺和同学们上课得互相读自个儿写的文章交换feedback呢,您这点儿肚量,就您这水平,我提了哈金都后悔,您知道那是谁么?和您分享俺的感受还真是让人觉得浪费智商,您走自己的路去吧,俺不说您,谁都不敢说您,您的英文特别perfect,俺都不好意思用英文回话儿,您慢慢走好好走,争取走到瑞典文学院去,俺在台下给您鼓掌,行了吧。

1. 没觉得你真诚。其实和我一样,说起话来都是刺,就是坏蛋。
2. “人家sniper同志可是10贴有7贴跟英文挂点边”。我们不去讨论sniper英文的水平,只说你摆的事实完全无法导出任何跟sniper英文程度有关的结论。好比我摆事实说我每天总共吃3顿饭,每顿吃5两...大家还是不知道我的体重。
3. “前两年在mcgill修creative writing的时候俺和同学们上课得互相读自个儿写的文章交换feedback呢”。那你把自己的东西拿出来给大家feed back一下?否则你提“互相”干嘛。分明现在只有你在说别人,没让别人有批判你的机会。
4. 我也不知道哈金是谁。其实我从来没搞清楚过麦克尔-杰克逊和麦克-杰克逊是否同一个人。
5. 没人要求过你用英语回话,不用不好意思。
6. 其实lz也就是单复数和动词变换有点小毛病,逻辑和肚量都很不错。大家如果需要证明自己英语更高明,或者lz的英语太糟糕,不如证明自己初中的时候英语就更好,没人关心哪位初中的时候中文好不好。
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-6 16:18 | 只看该作者

Many thanks to everyone

Dear everyone:

Thank you so much for being very supportive or not supportive. Ms. Sniper, hopefully, I didn’t make mistakes this time. Honestly, I was happy that you pointed my errors out so that I will be more careful whenever I write.

I would like to say many thanks to the people who came to our first meeting held at Tim Hortons last night. Thank you for spending your precious times and share your views on many things. For those people, who could not come, I will send you shortly re: the details we have discussed last night.

As a member of BeYond, I would invite everyone who has a dream to became a writer, who wants to or tries to write his/his own touching stories, and who likes to share his/her happiness, joyfulness, struggles and experience in love, marriage, work, study, region, and etc. It doesn’t matter what background you have, what age you are, what position you have, or whether you are rich or poor. We are all ordinary people to write/speak out the extraordinary stories.

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-6 16:27 | 只看该作者

Many thanks to everyone_continued

By doing so, we might help each other directly or indirectly; or let the people, who are experience in some difficulty circumstances, know that they are not alone.

Come, joint us, and share with us. We will be glad to meet with you and talk with you. <O:p

You have my emails and telephone number. I am sorry for writing English since I don’t have Chinese systems on the computer I am using right now.<O:p</O:p
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