Post by liangzhou_C
为了几块钱, 出租月票违反地方法律,反映出来的是咱们同胞在这里的生存状况与那些以归国华侨身份处处显示自己的高国人一等者们的实际严重不符. 而在此过程中出现欺诈,更反映了有些同胞在这里的可怜状况. 是金子, 到哪里都能发光, 何况在这个如此平等享有机会的国度里. 能让自己灵魂在高处片刻也是一种能力和自信的表现吧.
Post by laogui
54. Unless authorization is granted accordingly, it is prohibited:
a) to allow the use of a transportation ticket, with or without consideration, within the scope of one's commercial activities;
b) to sell or try to sell any transportation tickets;
c) to rent or try to rent any transportation ticket;
d) to accept or use a transportation ticket obtained in violation of paragraphs a), b) or c) in this article;