好问题.还真没注意.反正JM们说了,它斜对面是TD BANK. 给你个别的MM贴的地址.也可以自己打电话问问.还有另外两家,也可选个离你近的.
Good Luck
Post by montrealpost
Thanks DD! Based on your 这个是店里自己称重包装的, bought a pack 505gm for $3.05. Only 1 type of stem(茎) there.
. . . . . 6151 Sherbrooke west, 514-487-1672
The other store also sells "~them", smaller packs ~$1.79-1.99(?). ~4-6 types from Korean, +~2自己包装:
. . . . . 2120 Decarie, 514-484-4529 (They said identical stuffs sold @St. Catherine store)
. . . . . 2109 St. Catherine West. 514-932-9777 (Guy/Atwater MTR, same owner)
问点正事:SHEBROOKE街好长,能告诉那家日韩店在哪个街口吗?光给X座标,没有Y座标,咋定位?谢谢。[/QUOTE] |