问: 本人最近不慎开车与他人小蹭,双方互留了REPORT,本人车伤的并不重,对方车伤重一些,经咨询保险公司,估计本人的责任的可能性大,所以 ,不知是否想保险公司申诉,那样会留记录,还是不申诉,关键是对方的车维修费用谁出,会对我的保险记录影响吗? 那位行家能否给开导开导,多谢了!我的电话:739-6682,242-1288
1)If you (or the other party) claim the insurance and IF it is your fault, then your premium will go up next year (usually it will stay up for 4 -5 years).
2) If you decide not to claim the insurance and if it is your fault, then you must pay for the repair.
My advice is to get the car estimated first (in a garage in Montreal North I mentioned earlier - estimate is free). Once you know the total cost, the you can make a sound decision whether or not to claim insurance.
Assume the repair cost is $ 500 and your deductable is $ 250, then you might as well not claim the insurance and just pay the damned thing - thus, you wont have a record and no increase on your premium. But if the repairing cost is $2000, then you should claim the insurance. Of course, your insurance will go up next year -- usually the additional premium is calcualted to recoup in the next 5 years. |