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发表于 2007-11-26 23:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
刚读了BLUE CROSS的内容,有段话不太明白,大家能帮我看看吗?A medical condition for which you or your dependent(s) have consulted a physician, been treated by a physician or been prescribed medication during the 3-month period preceeding
; e2 y8 N1 `& n* {1 v' T$ ?9 _6 othe effective date of insurance. For insurance purposes, such a condition will cease to be considered a pre-existing condition on the date you or your dependent(s) have completed a period of 12 consecutive months following the effective date of insurance without any physician consultation, medical treatment or drug prescription for this condition.8 U4 v. r; Q2 B9 f) q' G

4 H& R3 G5 k& V- p; s) |" ]. yCharges related directly or indirectly to a pre-existing condition are payable up to a lifetime maximum of $10,000 for each pre-existing condition.( i/ x( D; ^0 K# K* n, ?4 \
- S9 V* N  |3 W! M& ^5 I* z  K: {
If you or your spouse were not insured during the previous academic year, maternity benefits are not insured if normal delivery takes place during the first 30 weeks following initial registration. This exclusion does not apply in case of a miscarriage or early delivery, as long as conception occurred during the first 6 weeks immediately prior or subsequent to registration.<!-- / message -->7 ?; q( t3 B  G' {1 ]3 F
<!-- controls -->6 z/ H  `9 E; P9 Y" t: W9 @
发表于 2007-11-27 21:56 | 只看该作者
A medical condition for which you or your dependent(s) have consulted a physician, been treated by a physician or been prescribed medication during the 3-month period preceeding the effective date of insurance. For insurance purposes, such a condition will cease to be considered a pre-existing condition on the date you or your dependent(s) have completed a period of 12 consecutive months following the effective date of insurance without any physician consultation, medical treatment or drug prescription for this condition.
. d2 A, M( A$ t: p6 M; H
: F( [% V) s  C) @是说如果你和你的家人在保险生效前三个月内生病看过医生,接受治疗或开药,只要在保险生效后一年内不应同一原因看医生,这种病就不算原有疾病。  m3 n! g/ y" V4 S

0 L: L+ X* F5 \4 ^8 H0 @Charges related directly or indirectly to a pre-existing condition are payable up to a lifetime maximum of $10,000 for each pre-existing condition.
9 Q- ]4 G- g; v" j. j5 R ' ^. v& e+ }& ?. H, h+ e0 N7 @0 j
/ h# U8 `" |7 C
, E2 P3 R7 m$ s' iIf you or your spouse were not insured during the previous academic year, maternity benefits are not insured if normal delivery takes place during the first 30 weeks following initial registration.
# c" `7 ]( B1 n' W* r如果你和你的伴侣在上一学年度没有保险,如果在投保后30周内自然生产,就不能享受母亲的福利。% P6 G" c( ?4 G( K6 R
: p+ n9 v1 m  i3 j5 y
This exclusion does not apply in case of a miscarriage or early delivery, as long as conception occurred during the first 6 weeks immediately prior or subsequent to registration.0 C6 c( U; N6 ]
如果妊娠发生在投保前6周内或投保后,发生流产或早产(在投保后30周内),则可以享受福利<!-- / message -->
, X% ~# d! _3 q8 l' [1 G0 }<!-- controls -->0 [3 F8 A$ I& L* N# S9 v
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-27 22:53 | 只看该作者
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