(Sorry, the computer I'm using doesn't support Chinese typing.)
I’m sure you have known where you wanna land on, a stable job with fare income. That's why you chose leaving away from hometown; that's why you chose studying again in the foreign land. There is nothing wrong with your decision. The only thing that went wrong probably was the path you are walking on. It looks like it’s too difficult for you to finish the current path. So you got 2 options:
1. Keep moving on this path.
Down side: you have to fight for your depression, and it’s tough according to your current situation.
Up side: if you could finish this path, you can easily stand up again from any fall or difficulty.
2. Re-plan your future, and take another path.
Up side: you can choose a path which can make yourself a little easier to reach your goal, and it may be quicker to achieve.
Downside: The new goal, a stable job and other condition, would be lower than the one you have set up before. Be aware, after achieving your first goal, you still will keep moving forward. That means things will be getting better, or much better after the first success. Because you would have gain the thing you want, and more important, the confidence.
It’s your call. Good luck.
Post by 欲哭无泪mtl
为的是过上安稳的日子 |