To mfeous: Look at over our overseas Chinese society--yes, lots of Chinese have money, because we work harder; but we didn't receive equal treatment from the majority society in many ways. Yes, today the situation is better than before, but still. It's hard to explain to you unless you might experience it by your own.
To 圆明园: I agreed with you and you made very good points here "together we can build trust. " Let's try our best!
By the way, the thread removed to 社区活动公告 Bulletin Board:
老潘, 我建议你挑头成立一个移民间互相帮助, 互相排解烦恼的组织。【回复MONTREAL1999】
Welcome to join the discussion HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL
i recieved your reply, but i don't know why someone delete the whole thread.
- allow me to ask you one question: suppose you had won your case in the court, would you change the way how you perceive the canada and quebec justice system? why or why not?
i really apprecite your intentions and all the efforts you made to help the others, but i can not agree on one thing you said at least: we chinese are too soft, we need to stand up to fight for our interests. personlly i think it is the opposite way: we chinese are too aggressive, not physcially in most of cases, but in our mind. this is becasue of the known reason: we are broght up by the mandate: we need to fight for the best, we have compete with each other to get the houseing, school..... anyting you can name it. to prove that, you can miss this phenomenon in this forum, there are so many people want to sue someone for just a tiny issue.
to fit in a new socity, we need time and patience. what is more, we need to change our mind set. fighting is definitely not the right way to solve any problems, rather than putt us in more troubles.
i am not saying we should not pretect our rights. however, we must learn to be more tolerent to others! isn/t what the buddist teaching in which you believe?
mfeous, i can't agree more with you.
it is very important to have rule of law.
however, to make it work we must build trust, trust between individuals.
together we can build trust.
1. to be fair, any exchange must be mutually beneficial
2. to be honest, yesterday's deal may look stupid, but we must honor our commitment
3. if we do it all the time, we will have a trust worthy reputation, it will make everything easy.
Be the change you wish to see in the world |