Second That !!
I COMPLETELY AGREE with everything u said, except . . . . . I thought 红星 is a she. :p
I believe 红星 must be very upset but can't say much due to his professional ethic in keeping client confidentiality. Poor 红星!!!
Post by 圆明园
my tax is very simple, i have a lot of time, i am very curious about how income tax works, i also have a lot of fun doing it. No, at this moment i dont want to hire nobody, i will do my own tax.
i recommend 红星 based on how he( i don't know he is a he or she, i assume he is he) answered tax questions, facts and reasons.
in the future i may need an account to do my tax. the criterias will be his understanding of tax system, his reasoning, his thoroughness. 红星 will be a candicate for sure. (i hope 红星 will set his own standard of selecting his clients) |