Post by maggie99
中国人一起练英语口语,听说来就觉得很奇怪,我们又不是身处国内,找不到人练语言。虽说蒙城是法语区,但讲英文的人也比比皆是,如果要练口语,直接找老外开练就结了。何况大半人都在这儿呆了数年,怎么着也能找一个话题随便跟人聊会儿。胆子大点儿,脸皮厚点儿,怎么可能会找不到native speaker开练? 别太害羞就是了。
If you would like to use English to chat, I have a good community to introduce you. You post the thread at the same time you can make some extra money. You won't waste your time. the pay rate of the thread you post or response is variable, it depends on your quality of thread. You write more and pay more. Good try it and have fun.