1。RL-1的收入 > T4的收入,差额就是单位补贴的医疗保险费用 (工资单上:avantages 药物保险和牙医保险部分)(工作的 la vie 保险单位补贴部分,联邦和省都算应税收入)
2。因为 quebec 把单位补贴当作收入,所以这部分补贴自然就算入医疗费用。
3。因为联邦没有把单位补贴当作收入,所以这部分补贴自然就 不 算入医疗费用。
quebec employment income RL1-Box A= basic + la vie (Box L)+ medical/dental avantages (BOX J)
federal employment income T4-14 = basic + la vie (Box 40)
RL1-Box A = T4-14 + T4-85
RL1-Box J = T4-85
RL1-Box L = T4-40
avantages imposable (federal) = T4-40
avantages imposable (province) = RL1-J+RL1-L
quebec medical expenses = non-claimed drugs/dental fees +medical avantages+ dental avantages
federal medical expenses = non-claimed drugs/dental fees
Post by yan_lingyun
i agree group insurance premium is not taxable benefit. but i am confusing why company contribution is included in income on R1, and it is shown as taxable benefit on my pay stub of each period. because of this taxable benefit, actually i pay tax every period. i am doubting if it belongs to private healthy insurance, because it is taxable in quebec, but not federal.
anyway, i just want to make sure i can claim both contribution in my ITR. so i can claim them, right! |