请问有报税经验的朋友,儿子2007年11月进的HOME DAYCARE,20刀/天,共记费用740元。HOME DAYCARE给的RL24表在C栏里填了740刀,其他都空白。请问我报税的时候在DAYCARE这一栏里应填写在
“Amount paid to the daycare centre for this child ?”
“Amount paid to the daycre centre for Quebec tax purposes (RL-24 box E)''?
我的RL24上,就C栏里DAYCARE老师手写了个740.00,其他都是空白,所以我的理解是 在UFILE的CHILD CARE一栏中,
Amount paid to the daycare centre for this child 我要填上 740.00
Amount paid to the daycre centre for Quebec tax purposes (RL-24 box E) 我也要填上740.00
Eligible fitness and recreational expenses for this dependant 这栏要填吗?
In the case that only box C has an amount, and you don't know how much box D sould be (in the proposed case, it is actually ZERO), you should not fill out an amount by yourself. It is also not advantageous to you. Therefore, you should make Box D = 0, and Box E = C-D.