Post by 冬果儿
1. 先做唐氏筛查,如果有必要再做羊水穿刺。这两个检查的目的是一样的?后者只是比前者更精确?
Yes. The combitest can give accurate test result only if you perform it during 12-17 weeks pregnancy. If your pregnancy is beyond 16 weeks, go to 羊水穿刺 directly in week 20th pregnancy.
If you have high risk in combitest, you need to conduct 羊水穿刺 to verify. If you have moderate risk in first combitest, you need to have an additional combitest during 15.0 and 17.6 pregnancy. If you have low risk, no special follow-up is required other than your routine prenatal visits with your physician.
Please visit here to have more information.
Quick and simple, the Combitest® is intended for pregnant women of all ages, and can be performed during the first and/or second trimesters of pregnancy. The reliability of the test results is higher than average with a detection rate greater than 95% and a false positives rate of less than 2%.
Combitest ( for Down's syndrome check) is not free, not covered by medicare card. 羊水穿刺 for women over 35 is free and covered by medicare card. |