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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-14 09:10 | 只看该作者

Thousands rally for China

Parliament hill. Demonstrators show support for Olympics

Maria Cook and Scott Cressman, Canwest News Service

Published: 6 hours ago
A pro-China demonstration on Parliament Hill yesterday attracted about 5,000 Chinese-Canadians from Ottawa, Montreal and Toronto eager to show support for the troubled Beijing Olympics.

"Olympics is nothing to do with politics," said Jeremy Zhang, a 37-year-old Ottawa chemist who emigrated from China in 2002.

"I think our country deserves the Olympics. Sports is a peaceful event to join all people together."

A group of Chinese community associations organized the event in the wake of chaotic protests disrupting the world relay of the Olympic torch. Protesters in Paris, London and San Francisco have condemned human rights abuses in China, including recent violent confrontations in Tibet.

Because of the Tibet controversy, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said he will not attend the opening ceremony of the Olympics in August.

"We want the Canadian government to treat China fairly and to treat the Olympics in a sporting way," said University of Ottawa student Hong Chen. "Don't boycott it."

Amid a sea of red Chinese flags(一片红色海洋), the demonstrators said reports by Canadian and other Western media were biased and factually incorrect. It was Tibetan separatists who were responsible for violent riots and the deaths of civilians, they said.

The demonstration was billed as a show of support of "peace and the Olympic spirit," but it gave equal time to opposing the idea of Tibet independence.

"We don't want anyone separating from our country," said Ling Wang, a 30-year-old Toronto medical researcher.

Early in the afternoon, a dozen pro-Tibet protesters crashed the rally. The pro-China faction surrounded them, shouting accusations, said Nicole Demers, a volunteer with Friends of Tibet.

Police told the counter-protesters that they were not safe and moved the group down the street. The protesters, some splattered with fake blood or wearing gags, waved Tibetan flags there under police supervision.

"The tone was hateful and quite intimidating when there's a dozen Tibetans up against a thousand Chinese," said Russ Hillier, a Carleton University student who's part of Students for a Free Tibet.

"They wouldn't let us be 15 people voicing our opinion in a free country," Demers said.

"Really, what these protesters are saying is very similar to what the Chinese government is saying," Hillier said. Their allegiances are not to "the ideals of freedom and justice that Canada is built on."

One of the rally's speakers was Henry Lu, chairman of the Chinese Community Association. The excited crowd punctuated his sentences with raucous cheers and flag-waving.

"Open your eyes. If you really want to know China, go there," Lu said. "Don't say things from outside."

China has made real improvements, he said, but Western media still judge the country too harshly.

Ottawa Citizen
Dalai Lama denounced, Page A14(最可气的是文章结尾竟然通知去A14看渥太华公民达赖喇嘛的发言

'If violence becomes out of control my only option is to resign'(如果暴力发展到无法控制我只有辞职不干)

Emma Graham-Harrison, Reuters

Published: 6 hours ago
Chinese media denounced the Dalai Lama and his supporters yesterday as "anti-human rights," and branded top U.S. politician Nancy Pelosi as "the least popular person in China" for her stance on Tibet.

The belligerent commentaries by the official Xinhua news agency came the day after Beijing said nine Buddhist monks had been arrested for bombing a government building in Tibet.

A Tibetan source with strong contacts in its capital, Lhasa, said the city was swirling with reports of fresh clashes between monks and security forces at the important Drepung monastery.

Beijing has accused the Dalai Lama, Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, of orchestrating March 14 riots in Lhasa and the unrest that followed in other ethnic Tibetan areas, as part of a bid for independence and to ruin the Olympic Games.

The Dalai Lama, 72, says he wants autonomy for Tibet, not a separate state, and denies he was behind the unrest, which China says killed 19 people. Exiled Tibetans give a far higher death toll.

The Dalai Lama told a news conference in Seattle yesterday he would resign as leader of Tibet's government in exile if violence in his homeland spread out of control.

"If violence becomes out of control then my only option is to resign," the Nobel peace laureate said. "If the majority of people commit violence, then I resign."

Xinhua earlier denounced the Dalai Lama as a sham and said he dreamed of restoring the Tibetan feudal system of serfdom.

China has gone on the offensive in the face of mounting international criticism of its handling of the deadly riots, wider unrest and a subsequent crackdown, which is clouding the run-up to the Olympic Games in August.

Beijing considers its Western critics, who have raised pressure on leaders to boycott the Games' opening ceremony and marred part of a global torch relay with chaotic protests, are unfairly mixing sports and politics.

In Dublin, Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern denied reports of a diplomatic row yesterday after China's ambassador walked out on a speech in which Environment Minister John Gormley accused China of human rights abuses in Tibet.

Television footage showed China's envoy to Ireland, Liu Biwei, conferring with an aide before walking out during a speech on Saturday night in which Gormley said Tibet had been "exploited and suppressed and suffered for too long."
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发表于 2008-4-14 22:49 | 只看该作者
Post by 可怜被洗脑者
你是个王八蛋, 滚开!
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-15 09:18 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-15 09:28 | 只看该作者

Chinese Internet awash with boycott tit-for-tat

French goods targeted as Olympic protests grow

AILEEN MCCABE, Canwest News Asia Correspondent

Published: 4 hours ago
Savvy Chinese are learning that a boycott can be a two-way street.

As talk around the world of boycotting the Beijing Olympics gathers steam, in China the Internet is jammed with calls for a boycott of French products and, in particular, the French supermarket chain Carrefour SA that has more than 100 outlets around the country.

A "letter to all citizens" is circulating on the Internet, by e-mail and text message calling for a May 1 boycott of Carrefour.(一封致全中国人的信在网上广泛流传:5月1日不进家乐福购物

"We suggest you go shopping in other supermarkets instead of Carrefour. If you have any inconvenience, we hope that at least you boycott Carrefour on May 1. The empty Carrefour on May 1 will send a message to the western countries that China should not be humiliated and the Chinese people should not be bullied," the letter says.

On his blog, Wang Jianshuo reported the sentiment to boycott is growing fast. "Last morning when Wendy and I were waiting in the long line at the SinoPec gas station to fill gas to our cars, Wendy said people in her company already started boycotting French products after what happened in Paris. She added: 'I will not go to Carrefour any more and I won't consider French cars in the future.' "

An angry blogger from Dalian wrote: "From now on Chinese will reject France commodity (Carrefour, Airbus, nuclear power plant, Citroen etc.) Let all France company go out of China. You made China as your enemy, OK, China will become your enemy."

France is the main target for Chinese boycotters because of the protests that greeted the torch relay in Paris last week, particularly the treatment given Jin Jing, (金晶)the much-photographed, wheelchair-bound torchbearer who managed to hold onto the torch when pro-Tibet protesters tried to wrest it from her grip.

Jin is now a "national hero" in China.(金晶是国家英雄) The newspapers are calling the pretty 17-year-old "golden girl" and her triumphant return home to Shanghai on Sunday was front-page news.

"Jin is now loved by more than 1 billion people," the official China Daily wrote yesterday.

It noted that when she arrived back in China from Paris she was on the same flight as pop star Jay Chou (周杰伦和金晶从巴黎同机返回中国)and "attracted much more attention" than the Taiwanese heart throb.

Although the torch has had an easy passage since it left North America, the anger in China that began with criticism of how the Western media reported on the crisis in Tibet and intensified when the torch relay was disrupted in Paris, London and San Francisco, is still red hot.

Speaking at a forum in Britain last Friday, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong warned ominously that there could be long-term repercussions.

"The outrage in China, especially among the young, can be read on the flooded Internet bulletin boards, all carrying virulent anti-foreign sentiments," he said. "ity they are in unintelligible Chinese ideographs.

"Were they in the English language, young Americans and Europeans would realize that these displays of contempt for China and things Chinese will have consequences in their lifetime, well beyond the Olympic Games."

So far, the government in China has done nothing to dampen the nationalist frenzy it has allowed to flourish in the month since the peaceful demonstrations in Tibet demonstrations turned into riots that seriously rocked the social "harmony" Beijing works so hard to maintain.

Indeed, at times the official government media seems to be taking its cue from the angry bloggers, as in the case of Jin Jing, who was a "video star" on the net for several days before the mainstream media adopted her, too.
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发表于 2008-4-15 13:56 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-15 14:03 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-15 15:27 | 只看该作者
Post by angel3417

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-16 10:55 | 只看该作者
China worse polluter than previously thought, U.S. study finds(中国环境污染越发严重)

Peter O'Neil - Europe Correspondent, Canwest News Service

Published: 1 hour ago
PARIS - China's greenhouse gas emissions have been grossly underestimated, according to a new study released on the eve of a U.S.-led conference here this week involving major emitters seeking ways to deal with climate change.

The University of California study, citing previously unavailable evidence, said China probably passed the U.S. to become the world's top emitter in 2006.

The report, to be published in the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, estimates that China's emissions will increase by anywhere from 600 million to 1.2 billon tonnes of carbon between 2000 to 2010.

A Chinese man passes by a power plant in Beijing China.

That's far higher than previously believed and dwarfs by between five- and 10-fold the estimated 116 million tonnes reduced through efforts made by the countries that ratified the Kyoto Protocol.

The report underscores the challenge facing western countries in dealing with climate change when major polluters, like the U.S., China and India, have refused to commit to major sacrifices.

"Emissions growth from 2003-04 by China is roughly equivalent to Canada's total annual emissions," co-author Max Auffhammer told Canwest News Service in an e-mail.

U.S. President George W. Bush, meanwhile, was expected to announce Wednesday emission caps on U.S. power plants, according to The Guardian newspaper in London.

The announcement would coincide with the start of the latest in a series of meetings, initiated by the Bush administration, involving major emitters.

The 16 countries represented in Paris include China, Brazil, India, Russia, Canada and several major European countries.

The U.S. government, the only major western country not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, has expressed reluctance to take serious steps unless major polluters like China and India do the same.

But both those countries have said it is unfair for them to make sacrifices, given that the more industrialized western countries are principally at fault for the accumulation of greenhouse gasses over many decades.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-18 11:24 | 只看该作者
MP to meet Dalai Lama to discuss Games issues(保守党议员将会见达赖喇嘛商讨奥运会事项)

Richard Cuthbertson and Becky Rynor, Canwest News Service

Published: 6 hours ago
Calling China "the worst human-rights abuser in the world," Tory MP Rob Anders is heading to Ann Arbor, Mich., today to meet with the Dalai Lama to discuss concerns about the coming Olympics in China.

"I want to go and talk to the Dalai Lama," Anders said yesterday. "artly, by doing so,

I think we're highlighting the issue, but, as well, I want to ask him about the cultural genocide that is going on there."

Anders compared this year's Beijing Olympics with the 1936 Games held in Berlin when Germany was under Nazi rule, arguing that China is the wrong choice to play host to the Games.

"I absolutely 100 per cent think it compares with the Berlin Olympics in 1936," he said. "You've got Falun Gong practitioners, which are not allowed to participate in the Olympics. Adolf Hitler had issues with Jews being able to participate in the Olympics in 1936."(相比1936年柏林奥运会,中国政府本次不允许******人员参加奥运会,而当年希特勒却同意犹太人参加

No Canadian politician should attend the Games, nor should Canadian athletes be used as "propaganda tools," Anders said.(加拿大政界将不参加奥运会,加拿大运动员们也不必被当作中国政府的宣传工具

The MP for Calgary West is a member of the Parliamentary Friends of Tibet, an all-party group concerned about the political situation in Tibet. Eight years ago, Anders crashed a Chinese event on Parliament Hill wearing a Free Tibet T-shirt(8年前,安迪就曾因中国西藏事件在国会山上穿着一件自由西藏的T恤).
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-23 09:32 | 只看该作者
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