楼主: soleil2007
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发表于 2008-4-29 21:39 | 只看该作者
(1) During the press conference, Guy C. said that he had faith in Price and he believes that Price will bounce back.
(2) Considering that Halak is still quite new as a goaltender. I don't think that Guy C. will gamble on this.

So I am afraid that tomorrow night, it will still be Price who will be at the goal. I am just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping Price will be strong. If Price can go back to his average save percentage with Flyers, we will just be fine.

I share your view on last night's game: Biron performed extremely well while Habs weren't lucky at all especially during the 1st period.

Though, I still like our head coach;) I think that he hoped that Price would bounce back and that's why he didn't change him out during the 2nd period.
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发表于 2008-4-30 23:06 | 只看该作者

Begin可以作为一个经典的教案,No Discipline。

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发表于 2008-5-3 22:48 | 只看该作者
愿赌服输. 不过, 今天Philadelphia的进球都够邪的.
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发表于 2008-5-4 01:27 | 只看该作者
岂止一个惨字.... 不过现在看来还是教练的战术没有选对。 philadelphia队在常规赛的时候并没有像蒙特利尔对那么拼, 让主力队员保持体力为了在季后赛能有更好的发挥,把真正的实力隐藏起来,所以只排名第6。 蒙特利尔队是在常规赛都把力气耗尽了,特别是price, 连着打了84场球。 price自己都在media跟前说自己已经精疲力尽了....    如果说教练把这些重要队员充分的利用在季后赛而不是常规赛的那蒙特利尔可能还有一丝希望.....
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