Post by bozhang
我的儿子本月刚好2岁,家住在NDG区,离west hill(bus 51) 很近。taitai一个人在家里看孩子很辛苦,儿子也很孤单,希望能与小朋友交流。他今年9月份要去上daycare,之前的这段时间想找个年龄相仿的小孩,可以到户外也可以在家里,或者互相帮看孩子,也可以交流育儿经验。如果我们有5个家庭,每个家庭出1天,它可以解决我们的问题. 感兴趣的话请跟贴 or留下你的电话。我会跟你联系!thanks
Sorry, I can't write in chinese now, I seek the daycare one by one near my home.
Your problem is your baby is too young.
But you can try to apply.
perhaps, you will have the chance
bon courage
Post by may-fair
不知道你是怎么找到daycare的, 我为这问题正发愁呢 :frown: . 不过我的女儿才几个月大.
Post by bozhang
Sorry, I can't write in chinese now, I seek the daycare one by one near my home.
Your problem is your baby is too young.
But you can try to apply.
perhaps, you will have the chance