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发表于 2008-5-24 08:41 | 只看该作者





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发表于 2008-5-24 08:50 | 只看该作者
自5月12日中国四川发生大地震以来,蒙特利尔华人社区跟全球华人一样时刻牵挂着灾区人民,关注着中国抗震救灾的进展。关注四川灾区,是这两天“蒙城华人网”( www.sinoquebec.com )的热门话题,大家为支援远在祖国的灾区出谋划策解囊协助。


下图为,香港红十字会官方网站网页恢复正常后,《蒙城华人报》(Sinoquebec Media Inc)即通过网上捐款成功后的回执截屏。

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发表于 2008-5-26 10:04 | 只看该作者



Hello xxx:

Thanks for your note. Here is more detail regarding the admin cost:

There have been inaccurate reports about our administrative costs. Canadian Red Cross holds these costs to a maximum of 15%.

The Canadian Red Cross incurs administration costs when it launches an appeal to respond to a humanitarian disaster. These are the costs associated with collecting funds, processing donations and tax receipts, working with partners, and communicating with media and donors. This ensures that funds are collected and distributed in the most effective way possible. Ultimately, it guarantees that help gets to those who need it most.

The cost recovery method of the Canadian Red Cross depends on the scale of the response. This ranges from five to 15 percent. The variation is based on the fact that there are static costs associated with fundraising, and when more money is raised, these costs make up a smaller percentage.

The Canadian Red Cross strives to keep fund-raising and appeal costs as low as possible. The countless hours and resources provided by thousands of volunteers across the country helps keep our costs low and the quality of our work high.

The most cost-effective way to donate to the Canadian Red Cross is online at www.redcross.ca

I hope this helps,


Colleen Lavender

A/Director, National Public Affairs

Canadian Red Cross




Hi xxx,

The International Federation of the Red Cross Red Crescent, of which both the Canadian Red Cross and the Chinese Society of Red Cross are members, put out an initial appeal for $20 million early this morning after Chinese Red Cross assessment teams had returned their reports of the situation on the ground as they saw it. The Canadian Red Cross made an immediate initial contribution to that appeal of the donation money weve received of $400,000 this morning. As further donations are processed from the Canadian public, further contributions will be made.

The decision to send troops is one that must be made between the two governments and would not involve the Red Cross.

The Canadian Red Cross is an independent organization and as such, we will provide whatever support is asked of us by our sister society in China or the Federation.

Best Regards,

Christina Lopes


Hello xxx, and thank you again for your call earlier today.

Im pleased you can help get the word out about the Red Cross response in China.

Attached is the response we wrote in response to the Toronto Star article on the tsunami funds which was very inaccurate and one-sided.

Some general messages you may find helpful regarding the China response:

1. Funds will support the response in China. The Canadian Red Cross is accepting funds to meet the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of earthquake survivors in China. Should donations supporting this Red Cross disaster relief and recovery effort meet the amount required, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for the response and will communicate this information immediately to the public.

2. Administrative costs will not exceed 15%. There have been reports and donor concerns about figures as high as 50%, which is simply not the case. As always, we hold our fundraising and communication costs to a maximum of 15%.

3. The Red Cross is an excellent choice for channelling donations. The Red Cross Society of China was active immediately after the earthquake, providing rapid assistance to people in need. It is through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement that we are able to provide assistance to multiple disasters in multiple locations around the world - from here at home in New Brunswick following severe flooding, to Myanmar and China. The Movement is well prepared to respond locally and engages the help of other National Societies when needed. This is one of our greatest strengths as an organization.

4. The Canadian Red Cross honours the intent of its donors and is fully transparent in accounting for all dollars received and spent. The trust the Canadian public has put in the Canadian Red Cross to quickly support the China relief effort is well placed.

5. The Canadian Red Cross has an ongoing project in the quake-affected Sichuan province, to educate the public about HIV/AIDS. We have been in touch with our colleagues there to ensure that all are safe.


Colleen Lavender

A/Director, National Public Affairs

Canadian Red Cross



加红会对the Toronto Star 印尼海啸报道的正式回复

Canadian Red Cross

April, 2008

Dear donor,

Thank you for writing to me with your concerns about the rate at which Red Cross has spent funds in the countries impacted by the 2004 tsunami. I can certainly understand your concern, prompted by recent media reports that only told part of the story.

Donations to the Canadian Red Cross continue to make a tremendous difference to those whose lives were devastated by the tsunami. Canadian donors quickly responded by generously donating $360 million dollars. For the past three years, the Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement has been supporting more than 3.8 million people as they rebuild their lives and communities in the tsunami-affected area.

To date, more than 90 per cent of these Canadian Red Cross funds have been spent or are currently financing important recovery and reconstruction activities underway. The Canadian Red Cross is working closely with tsunami survivors and local governments to best use funds to support the specific needs of local communities.

Canadians should be very proud that their Red Cross donations are making a difference in the lives of families who lost so much after the tsunami.

The Canadian Red Cross currently has successful programs underway in four of the most-affected countries. Highlights include:

- The construction of over 3,040 transitional and permanent homes in some of the hardest hit and remote areas of Sri Lanka and Indonesia;

- Providing water and sanitation facilities for over 7,700 people in Indonesia;

- A community-based health program reaching at least 9,000 families throughout Sri Lanka;

- The removal of tens of thousands of cubic metres of waste on 23 islands in the Maldives; and

- Income generating activities for 260 female-headed households in India.

Many of these projects, such as housing reconstruction, micro credit programs and creation of livelihoods, will take from two to seven years to complete. These expenditures are paid at the completion of key benchmarks in order to ensure the quality of the programs.

From the outset of the response, we have said that recovery would take at least five years. The success of the tsunami recovery operation should not be determined by how quickly money is being spent, but on the meaningful and lasting impact that housing and other programs can have on entire communities. I want to reassure you that all interest the donations earn is going directly back into the tsunami funds – creating even more opportunity for long-term community recovery in the hardest-hit areas.

Consider the pace of recovery of other disasters. In the United States, with its unparalleled resources, recovery for Hurricane Katrina is also expected to take at least five years. After the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan – a country with an excellent record of responding to natural disaster – it took seven years for this one city to rebuild. It also took the countries affected by Hurricane Mitch in 1998 at least five years to rebuild.

The quality of recovery programs must not be compromised for the sake of speed. Survivors always have the right to the best assistance we can offer. They and our donors expect us to act as fast as possible but they also expect us to act and spend responsibly.

After most disasters, there typically is not enough money to carry out all of the necessary emergency relief – not to mention a full recovery – which is often the most costly and lengthy process. We feel fortunate that in the case of the tsunami, there are sufficient funds to rebuild the affected communities, and the Canadian Red Cross is committed to assisting with these efforts until they are complete.

The generosity of the many Canadians who contributed to the tsunami response is greatly appreciated. I do hope that the above information has helped ease your concern about the use of these gifts to help those impacted by this devastating disaster.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly should you have any additional questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,

Conrad Sauvé

Secretary General



2。印尼海啸的200M剩余捐款不会被用到任何其他地方。总数为360M的捐款将用于5-10年的受灾地区重建,由加拿大红十字会的人员在当地参加工程管理,雇用当地员工来完成这些项目。- 他们会给我发对那片报道的回应文章,我收到之后就贴上来。

3。加拿大红十字会的行政管理费用在15%以下,大型项目的行政费用会更加低。 - 我也要求他们给我提供证明材料了,收到后会贴出来。
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发表于 2008-5-27 17:21 | 只看该作者


Post by JJBOSS



政府网站:加拿大国际开发署CIDA(The Canadian International Development Agency)


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发表于 2008-5-27 18:41 | 只看该作者


do.JPG (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 506)

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发表于 2008-5-27 18:46 | 只看该作者
还是这个办法稳妥,不要贪加拿大政府那些鱼饵好啊!!!:mad: :mad:

Post by babybluee
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发表于 2008-5-27 22:55 | 只看该作者
Post by 公元2009
还是这个办法稳妥,不要贪加拿大政府那些鱼饵好啊!!!:mad: :mad:


1+1 不仅仅对中国,在印尼的海啸事件就已经实施了。
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发表于 2008-5-28 12:22 | 只看该作者







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发表于 2008-5-29 05:13 | 只看该作者
捐款不是法律义务, 但它应该是一个社会所应倡导的美德。







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发表于 2008-5-29 23:26 | 只看该作者


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