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发表于 2008-8-27 09:05 | 只看该作者
"smell of the deposit that left in the bottom of carboy", this I'm not sure.  I havn't tried ALL companies, each could be a bit different.  Just continue with the wine and don't worry about it.  U're aware of customer support #/eMail, don't u?  Look for them in instruction sheet/product brochure.  All Kit companies provide that, for:
- technical help, any question while making wine/beer
- report problem, if any

If u're uncomfortable enough, call or eMail them.  99% chance they're going to:
1) ask u the batch code, i.e. a long chain of funny# and characters printed on juice bag or container(side or bottom) (in case there's a knowN problem)
2) ask for the code on yeast sachet(printed on the small yeast package)
3) ask about temperature when started + daily temperature.
4) ask about hydrometer reading when started + daily readings.
(if u havn't done any of the above, start it now)
5) tell u to continue the wine.  If necessary, they will tell u to mail 1x750ml bottle to their laboratory for analysis after wine completed.  Some companies will send u a prepaid courier box.  

If u've followed instructions, bad product(your wine could be fine) is not due to contamination/infection (99% due to insufficient cleaning+disinfection of wine-making equipment) (laboratory will find out), most times they'll courier u a new kit.  Issue like this doesn't happen too often, don't be too happy yet.   :p
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发表于 2008-9-4 23:54 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2008-9-5 08:14 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-9-8 10:17 | 只看该作者
上周末magog的Grape Harvest Festival (Fête des Vendanges),虽说是葡萄丰收节,但每个品酒的摊位上,大都是苹果酒,苹果冰酒,以及其它水果酒。quebec的气候并不适合种植酿酒葡萄,可cider,特别是ice cider才是quebec真正值得骄傲的特产。

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发表于 2008-9-10 06:24 | 只看该作者
Post by john000

按顺序依次是:发酵桶,3L玻璃瓶,比重计,AIR LOCK,和最后的啤酒KIT。这一罐啤酒KIT里面是糖浆和酵母。可以做60瓶啤酒(13$ only)。有很多种不同口味的啤酒KIT可以选择。

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发表于 2008-9-10 15:10 | 只看该作者
address of stores:

1. MM retailer - Vivant at 3500 Mattte, D234, brossard

2. MM retailer - 5187 jean-talon est, montreal,  h1s 1k8. phone 514.728.6831

3. there are a couple of stores near the intersection of street newman and street dollar.
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发表于 2008-9-14 20:22 | 只看该作者
由于没有车,我只有到NEWMAN街了。我周五去了一趟,只发现有两家,但他们是卖做葡萄酒的东西,不卖做啤酒的东西。还好,一家意大利人开的店叫我下周给电话他们,可能有BEER KIT。问John:那里只有两家吗?如果还有,具体在哪条街?在NEWMAN,还是在DOLLAR?因为那个INTERSETION真是很大啊。谢谢了。
Post by john000
address of stores:

1. MM retailer - Vivant at 3500 Mattte, D234, brossard

2. MM retailer - 5187 jean-talon est, montreal, h1s 1k8. phone 514.728.6831

3. there are a couple of stores near the intersection of street newman and street dollar.
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发表于 2008-9-14 21:19 | 只看该作者
i'm sure there are beer kits at one store which is on the street dollar, near (arround 150meter) to the intersection of dollar/newman. If u go from downtown, u turn left at the intersecton. the store is on the right side of street dollar. sorry i dont have exact address.

if u buy carboy and fermentor too, i think you may need a car.

i've been several stores. all of them sell beer kits. all of them are owned by italian. the one on jean-talon has more choices of beer kits.
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发表于 2008-9-17 12:56 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-9-17 15:02 | 只看该作者

actually, u can buy everything, including dextrose (葡萄糖), in the store you bought beer kit. the store should mention it to u. some store has sirup, which is believed better than dextrose.

so, call the store and make sure they have dextrose.
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