首先说,我现在全职工作,part time 读MBA (每学期2-3门课), part time 考CPA, 有小孩,没有任何TAX经验,本科修过一门美国税法。
第一次考REG我用了一个月的part time 时间,我没有用任何书,和朋友share了Becker 的题库,把Becker的法律部分题做了两遍并仔细研读了题目的解释,这些法真是讨厌, 除了sales and contract, 其他法我都没听说过,总之看了个似懂非懂。税法只用了大概3天作了一遍题并看了解释。匆匆上阵,72分。
FAR, 一个月时间(part time),其间大概半个月的时间都用在了non-profit 和 government 上。除了我认真读了Wiley的non-profit 和 government 这两部分的书之外,其余的,我只做了一两遍的Becker的题。我所有的三门考试都是第一遍做对的题,不会在做了,之前作错的题再作一两遍。
We might set a time to discuss AUD together. Prior to the discussion with you, I'd better to roughly read the book. I already started to read book, but my reading is very slow.
Post by blueamber
Thank you !!! Thank you so much
i'm goin to study Auditing on July, maybe we can discuss together......
u are great !!! work and study, me work but no family.