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四川地震专题研讨会 6月21日周六下午1点,中华文化宫

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发表于 2008-6-16 23:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

“我们希望藉由这次的机会,能够提供给社会大众一个讨论与反思的空间。恻隐之心与无私奉献之后,我们更需要理性思考相佐”这次活动的主办方说。在学术方面,各界的专家学者将从地质学,医学, 政治,历史,和文化的角度剖析震灾背后洞见与不见;在实务部分,将由慈济慈善基金会带来灾区的第一手资料;也欢迎大家在最后的开放性讨论阶段畅所欲言,发表您对此次地震的看法。这次的活动欢迎各界人士免费参与,所有募得的款项,将全数交由慈济基金会全权统筹管理以用于赈灾事务。

**This conference will be held in English**



地点:中华文化宫二楼礼堂,1088 Rue Clark (metro Place des Arms)


免费入场,捐款完全自愿 (慈济基金会现场提供捐款收据)



TheMay 12th earthquake in Sichuan, China, killed more than60, 000peopleand caused more than 60 billion dollars in direct damage. For adisasterof this magnitude, passion, money, and a few weeks of mediasaturationare not enough. We must learn, understand,and grapple withall facets ofthis catastrophe: natural, political,medical, ourselves.Only with deepthought and reflection can our love be truly broad, canour actions betruly productive. Come join us and our distinguishedpanel on June 21stas we probe the vast complexities surrounding thiscatastrophe!

Basic information:

Time: June 21st, Saturday, 1:30-5:30 PM (seating begins at 1:00)
Place: Montreal Chinese Cultural Community Center, 1088 Clark street in Chinatown
Contact: Julian (zhunping.xue@mail.mcgill.ca), 514 6676744
Website: http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/oslerweb/earthquake/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=136...6ZTY3MWKLBUBZ5U

Free admission, no pressure to donate!

Thanks so much - and invite as many of your friends as you can!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-16 23:17 | 只看该作者
1:00 - Begin seating - we will start sharply at 1:30, with no delays

1:30-2:00 - Dr. John Stix (http://www.eps.mcgill.ca/index.php?id=0&url=./People/faculty/index.php&faculty=stix) will speak about the natural history of this earthquake, how it happened, what happened, etc.

2:00-2:40 - Keynote speech: current reality on the ground, by a representative of Tzuchi (www.tzuchi.ca) with original footage from Sichuan, how donated money is being used, etc.

2:40-3:00 - break, playing of videos, ask for donations. All money goes to Tzuchi.

3:00-4:20 -
Dr. Kuhonta (http://www.cceia.org/people/data/erik_kuhonta.html) ,
Dr. Noumoff (http://www.mcgill.ca/reporter/39/11/pov/) , (http://people.mcgill.ca/sam.noumoff/) ,
Dr. Vankeerberghen (http://www.mcgill.ca/history/faculty/faculty/vankeerberghen/) ,
Dr. Button (http://people.mcgill.ca/peter.button/)

The politico-socio circumstances: Dr. Noumoff will speak first, about China's overall reaction and the earthquake's likely consequences (esp. since the Olympics are coming up), then Dr. Kuhonta will compare what is happening in China to what is happening in Myanmar. This will be followed by Dr. Button, speaking about the Western media coverage of this disaster and its complex aftermath, and finally Dr. Vankeerberghen will put the situation in historical context. There will be 10 minutes of speaking time each, with 15 minutes to Dr. Kuhonta (because of Myanmar), and the rest of the time in a panel discussion and questions from the audience.

4:20-5:00 - Dr. Chirgwin (http://www.medicine.mcgill.ca/familymed/international_committee.htm), and likely others from medicine: the medical realities facing such humanitarian disasters. What is most needed most urgently, and what are the emergencies that will crop up soon in the future? Are people likely to get what they need? What happens to the health of the region in the long term?

5:00-5:30 - We will discuss how will the passion and the donations now happening around the world help China? Several youth leaders around Montreal who have organize fundraisers and other charity work will be here to talk about what obstacles they've faced, and what change they hope to produce. It has actually been the biggest response I've ever seen... pretty overwhelming. But what exactly are we achieving in the world? Dr. Kuhonta will be invaluable here - in the absence of such a response, what will happen in Myanmar?
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-20 23:35 | 只看该作者
Last call for the conference on Sichuan earthquake!


*** 免费入场,捐款完全自愿 (慈济基金会现场提供捐款收据)***



地点:中华文化宫二楼礼堂,1088 Rue Clark (metro Place des Arms)



**This conference will be held in English**
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