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发表于 2004-5-7 16:15 | 只看该作者
Sports Fishing钓的鱼在法律上是不可以买卖的。:eek!:
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发表于 2004-5-7 16:44 | 只看该作者

现在catfish 和suk Er 可以钓并带回家了吗?

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发表于 2004-5-7 16:57 | 只看该作者

[转帖] 番茄鱼

1.  买鱼,澳洲的FISHMARKET很多,不过这些鱼样子都很怪,我也叫不出名字,其实做番茄鱼用草鱼就好了,澳洲的鱼我不知道了。反正你选肉多的鱼就好了。

2.  切鱼,一般来说人家都可以帮你切好的,如果没有就只有自己切咯。切鱼的时候把鱼放平,从脖子那里下刀,感觉到碰到骨头了就把刀放平,平着骨头把鱼身子上的肉切下来,两刀就可以把鱼肉弄下来了,然后再切成片就好了。鱼片可以拌鸡蛋清。

3.  把鱼头放到锅里,放生姜,大葱一起熬,直到汤成白色然后放番茄,多少由你自己决定,等番茄煮的差不多了,再放鱼片,稍微煮以后就可以起锅了。

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发表于 2004-5-7 16:58 | 只看该作者
上次问鱼警察时,他耸耸肩膀笑着说"That's your property!"? 看来为了安全起见还是不能卖,只能送了。扛得太累,开车又耗油,汽油已经0.94$/L,比鱼还贵。下次如果去20号高速出岛的大坝,来回就要10L汽油,光油钱就近10$,外加鱼饵蚯蚓3.75$/盒, 一次至少用2盒。鱼线鱼钩鱼坠一套就得1-2$,上周一共损失十几套鱼具, 外加办鱼证17$,40$的鱼杆,30$手竿摇轮各2套,这就140$,还不算风吹暴晒蚊虫叮咬,和大鲶鱼搏斗给拖进水里,被大鲶鱼硬刺刺伤手,让大龙暇大钳夹破手皮,种种奇闻乐事。谁愿出汽油,耗材,时间和背扛工钱,我就给谁。现在重新定,每扛1磅大鲶鱼,labor工钱0.99$。这可比卖鱼划算多了。;)

答复: 六月15日,大Montreal地区所有鱼解禁。 [转帖] 番茄鱼

1. 买鱼,澳洲的FISHMARKET很多,不过这些鱼样子都很怪,我也叫不出名字,其实做番茄鱼用草鱼就好了,澳洲的鱼我不知道了。反正你选肉多的鱼就好了。

2. 切鱼,一般来说人家都可以帮你切好的,如果没有就只有自己切咯。切鱼的时候把鱼放平,从脖子那里下刀,感觉到碰到骨头了就把刀放平,平着骨头把鱼身子上的肉切下来,两刀就可以把鱼肉弄下来了,然后再切成片就好了。鱼片可以拌鸡蛋清。

3. 把鱼头放到锅里,放生姜,大葱一起熬,直到汤成白色然后放番茄,多少由你自己决定,等番茄煮的差不多了,再放鱼片,稍微煮以后就可以起锅了。

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发表于 2004-5-7 17:31 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2004-5-7 19:10 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2004-5-7 20:02 | 只看该作者
很多汽车加油站,Deparnour都有卖的。 放在冰柜存啤酒的房间里,自己进去拿。摞得好高,白色小圆盒子,一盒大肥蚯蚓,每条约10-15厘米长,又大又粗,各个趴者不动,轻轻一碰,它便触电般缩回。一次要掐断成2,它便又翻滚又蹦跳。大体分两种蚯蚓,肥的和中等细的,分别用于钓不同种类的鱼。 如果钓别的鱼(非鲶,鲤鱼)就拿细长蚯蚓的盒子。一盒可以钓一上午。 有的汽车加油站的小店还特意立个牌画只大蚯蚓眨着性感睫毛和嘴唇。
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发表于 2004-5-7 21:51 | 只看该作者
荷荷,好热闹呀。我上周也钓到很多鲶鱼,谁要?大的有70厘米,13L,太暴凶了,楞差点儿没把我刚买的宝贝竿给弄折了;小的有40厘米,6-9L,共3条,吃了1条。下周4准备再去钓,如果有谁要的,1.5$/L,请留电话到montreal_maya@yahoo.ca, 谢谢!
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发表于 2004-5-8 08:00 | 只看该作者





6 in all

June 18 - March 31*



June 18 - March 31*


6 in all

May 7 - March 31

Yellow perch


May 7 - March 31


6 in all

May 14 - March 31


1 in all

June 15 - Oct. 31

American shad




10 in all


Landlocked salmon



Atlantic salmon
(Elsewhere than in salmon rivers)


Lake trout and splake

2 in all



5 in all


Black crappie



Other species

No limit


1 See Fishing quotas, possession and length limits


Lake des Deux Montagnes (a length limit applies to muskellunge)

The part formed by Carillon bay, north of a straight line running from Aux Roches point to the Portage brook.

The part formed by Fer-à-Cheval bay, west of a straight line running from the eastern tip of Carillon island to the eastern tip of Paquin island.

Sturgeon July 1 – Oct. 31

Other species July 1 – March 31

Lake Saint-François (a length limit applies to muskellunge)

Sturgeon Fishing prohibited

Other species Same as Zone

L'Acadie river, between the Highway 112 bridge and the Highway 104 bridge.

Beaudette river, upstream of the Highway 20 bridge

All species July 1 – March 31

Aux Brochets river: Between the Notre-Dame-de-Stanbridge dam and the mouth of Ewing brook situated downstream of the Highway 133 bridge in the municipality of Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River.

All species July 1 – March 31

From the mouth of Ewing brook situated downstream of the Highway 133 bridge in the municipality of Saint-Pierre-de-Véronne-à-Pike-River up to its outlet in Missisquoi bay.

Bass, muskellunge June 18 – March 31

Sturgeon June 15 – Oct. 31

Other species May 14 – March 31

Châteauguay river: Between the dam upstream of Châteauguay and its extension to the north shore and the first bridge downstream of this dam.

Between the Sainte-Martine dam and the mouth of the Esturgeon river.

Sturgeon July 1 – Oct. 31

Other species July 1 – March 31

Chibouet river, between its mouth and a point 200 m upstream.

Bass, muskellunge June 18 – March 31

Sturgeon June 15 – Oct. 31

Other species May 14 – March 31

Des Mille Îles river (a length limit applies to muskellunge)

Between the Highway 25 bridge and the CP bridge downstream.

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Sturgeon July 1 – Oct. 31

Other species July 1 – March 31

From the CP bridge downstream of the Highway 25 bridge up to its confluence with the Des Prairies river.

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Other species Same as Zone

Noire river :

Between the Père Tarte dam in Saint-Ephrem d’Upton and the Émileville dam.

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Other species Same as Zone

Between the Émileville dam and the eastern tip of the island downstream of Saint-Pie.

Bass, muskellunge June 18 – March 31

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Sturgeon June 15 – Oct. 31

Other species May 14 – March 31

Between the eastern tip of the island downstream of Saint-Pie up to its confluence with the Yamaska river.

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Other species Same as Zone

Des Outaouais river (a length limit applies to muskellunge)

Between the Carillon dam and the power line downstream of the dam.

Between a point 180 m upstream of the CN bridge at Dorion and a straight line running from the southern tip of Petite île Besner to Pointe aux Chênes.

Between a point 325 m upstream of the railway bridge at Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue and a line parallel to the Highway 20 bridge via the southern end of the pier at the lock canal (comprising part of the river known as "chenal Proulx" or "Stocker" brook).

Des Prairies river, between the Hydro Québec dam and the part downstream from Pie-IX bridge, including the southern arm up to Des Moulins dam.

Rigaud river, between the Highway 40 bridge and the dam upstream of the city of Rigaud.

Bass, muskellunge June 18 – March 31

Sturgeon June 15 – Oct. 31

Other species May 14 – March 31

Richelieu river:

Between a line running from Chambly fort to the opposite bank, via the northwestern islands downstream of the rapids up to the Highway 132 bridge between Tracy and Sorel.

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Other species Same as Zone

Between the Chambly dam and the upstream side of the power line that crosses Chambly rapids. (Sector A of the Pierre-Étienne Fortin preserve)

Bass, muskellunge June 18 – March 31

Sturgeon June 15 – Oct. 31

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Other species May 14 – March 31

Between the upstream side of the power line that crosses Chambly rapids and an imaginary line running from Chambly fort to the opposite bank, which follows over a distance of 50 m the northwestern tip of the islands downstream of the rapids 45º27'20" N 73º16'30" W. (Sectors B and C of the Pierre-Étienne Fortin preserve)

Bass, muskellunge June 18 – June 19 and July 21 – March 31

Sturgeon June 15 – June 19 and July 21 – Oct. 31

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Other species May 14 – June 19 and July 21 – March 31

River Yamaska :

Yamaska river:

At Farnham, between the footbridge dam and the Highway 10 bridge.

At Saint-Hyacinthe, between the T.D. Bouchard power station and the Concorde Avenue bridge.

Between a point 1 km upstream of the bridge at Saint-Hugues and a point 1 km downstream of the same bridge.

Bass, muskellunge June 18 – March 31

Sturgeon June 15 – Oct. 31

Other species May 14 – March 31

From the Highway 10 bridge to the T.D. Bouchard power station in Saint-Hyacinthe.

Redhorse, sucker Fishing prohibited

Other species Same as Zone


Daily fishing quotas include only those fish caught and kept and do not include fish that are thrown back. The licence-holder must include in his quota the fish caught and kept by all of the persons fishing under the authority of his licence. This also includes fish caught and eaten the same day. To find out the maximum number of fish that may be harvested daily, consult the fishing periods and quotas in Zones, in national parks, in wildlife sanctuaries or in zec.

The daily fishing quotas for char in Zones 17 and 22 to 24 are also expressed in weight. In the case of fish that are not whole, the weight of a fish is determined as follows:

  • if the fish have been cleaned out, the weight of the fish X 1.25 must not exceed the authorized weight limit;
  • if the fish have been cleaned out and beheaded, the weight of the fish X 1.66 must not exceed the authorized weight limit;
  • if the fish have been filleted, the weight of the fillets X 3.5 must not exceed the authorized weight limit.
Note : It is prohibited to continue fishing for a species on a given day in a given water body once the daily quota for that species in that water body has been caught and kept, unless fishing is carried on in another water body where the daily quota for that species is higher.


In a given zone, the authorized possession limit for fish species is equal to the daily quota prescribed for that species in that zone.

In that zone, the number of fish in an individual’s possession caught while sportfishing could exceed the quota authorized for the zone as long as the additional number of fish were caught in other zones and do not exceed the quotas applicable to those zones. However, at no time may an individual possess a number of fish exceeding the highest daily fishing quota set for a species in Québec.

At no time, may an individual in a national park, wildlife reserve or zec, or in a body of water possess a number of fish exceeding the highest daily fishing quota for that park, wildlife reserve or zec, or that body of water.

In the case of lake trout and smelt, these same regulations apply. However, as there are water bodies where the fishing quota is higher than that established for the zone, individuals may have in their possession fish that come from one of these water bodies, even if this quota exceeds that stipulated for the zone.


It is not permitted to catch and keep or have in your possession:

Walleye under 30 cm in length caught in the following waters:

Note : Having in your possession the equivalent of a 30 cm or larger walleye in fillets is permitted provided the fillets measure 20 cm or more and the skin is still attached to the flesh over the entire length of the fillets.

  • La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve (Zones 12 and 13), except in lake Jean-Péré (see below for the applicable length limit);
  • The waters of the Communal Wildlife Area of Baskatong reservoir (Zone 11);
  • Zone 13 east, with the exclusion of outfitters with exclusive rights, except the Camachigama outfitting operation;
  • Zone 13 west, with the exclusion of outfitters with exclusive rights (see below for the applicable length limit to zecs Dumoine, Kipawa, Maganasipi and Restigo);
  • Zone 16, with the exclusion of the Mistaouac outfitting operation and lakes unnamed: (48°59'57" N 75°00'33" W), (49°09'00" N 76°08'50" W), (49°09'04" N 76°22'41" W), (49°09'11" N 76°32'54" W), (49°09'14"N 76°35'15" W), (49°09'18" N 75°42'44" W), (49°12'31" N 74°56'31" W), (49°12'35" N 74°53'47" W), À l'Eau Rouge, Fauvel, Feuquières, Hébert, Mista Atikamekwranan, Nelson, Némégousse, Podeur, Robert, Valreville (Chambalon township) and Ventadour.
Walleye under 35 cm in length caught in the following waters:

Note : Having in your possession the equivalent of a 35 cm or larger walleye in fillets is permitted provided the fillets measure 23 cm or more and the skin is still attached to the flesh over the entire length of the fillets.

  • Lake Jean-Péré (La Vérendrye Wildlife Reserve);
  • Zecs: Dumoine, Kipawa, Maganasipi and Restigo.
Walleye under 45 cm in length caught in the following waters:

  • Nicolet Sud-Ouest river, between the first bridge downstream of lake Les Trois Lacs, at Shipton, and the downstream side of the Highway 255 bridge, at Wotton, including lake Les Trois Lacs (Zone 7);
  • Rivière Nicolet Centre, between its mouth and the downstream side of the Highway 216 bridge at Wotton (Zone 7).
Muskellunge under 104 cm in length caught in the following waters:

  • Saint-Laurent river (Zones 7, 8, 21), lake Saint-François (Zone 8), lake Saint-Louis (Zone 8), the Lachine rapids (Zone 8), the La Prairie watershed (Zone 8), Des Mille Îles river (Zone 8), Des Prairies river (Zone 8), lake Deux Montagnes (Zone 8), the stretch of the Des Outaouais river located in Zone 8 or Zone 25.
One Landlocked salmon measuring less than 40 cm in length from the waters of lake Memphrémagog (Zone 6);

  • Lake Memphrémagog (Zone 6);
  • Lake Saint-Jean watershed, including the Petite Décharge and the Grande Décharge upstream of Highway 169, with the exception of lakes Duhamel and De l'Aventure, the Manouane river, from point 49°56'50" N 70°45'38" W to its outlet, and Petite Manouane river from point 50°06'08" N 70°52'35" W to its mouth (Zone 18).
Yellow perch under 16.5 cm in length caught in the waters of the Saint-Laurent river

  • including lake Saint-Pierre between the downstream side of the power lines of the Hydro-Québec power station at Tracy and the downstream side of the Laviolette bridge (Zones 7 and 8).
Anadromous Atlantic salmon under 30 cm in length.

Lake trout 35 to 50 cm in length (inclusive) caught in waters of Zones 1 to 6.

Lake trout less than 40 cm in length caught in the following waters:

  • Zones 9 to 15 and 18.
Lake trout less than 50 cm in length caught in the following waters:

  • Zone 9: lakes Archambault, Blanc (46°19'52” N 74°12'51” W) and Ouareau. Ouareau river, between lakes Blanc and Ouareau (46°18'54” N 74°11'20” W);
  • Zone10: lakes De l’Argile, Blue Sea, Du Cerf, Dumont, Gagnon (Preston and Gagnon townships), Heney, Nominingue, Pemichangan, Petit lac du Cerf, Saint-Germain (46°14' N 75°30' W), des Trente et Un Milles, and Poisson Blanc reservoir;
  • Zone 11: lake Tremblant;
  • Zone 12: lakes Branssat (Forant and Rochefort townships), Duval (Anjou and Brie townships), and Lynch (Forant and Rochefort townships);
  • Zone 13: lakes Audouin, Grindstone, Hunter, Kipawa, Matchi-Manitou and MacLachlin;
  • Zone 15*: lakes Cousineau (47°01' N 73°59' W), Culotte (47°09' N 74°02' W), Kempt (47°26' N 74°16' W), Légaré (46°58' N 73°57' W), Maskinongé, Opwaiak, Troyes and Villiers (47°08' N 74°02' W).
  • Zone 27*: lake Saint-Joseph

  • *Attention : an error slipped into the printed and pdf versions of the brochure. See ERRATA
These measures concerning lake trout do not apply to national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and zecs, and to certain water bodies situated in those areas where outfitters have exclusive fishing rights of Zones 10 to 15, 18, 26 to 28.
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发表于 2004-5-8 08:08 | 只看该作者
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