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[摄影讨论] 哈苏全新的 5000 万象素的相机

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发表于 2008-7-10 12:56 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2008-7-10 13:10 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-10 13:21 | 只看该作者
Post by maxil2004

在经济全球化的影响下, 现在找纯种比较难啊
哈苏这款相机用的是Kodak 的 5000万 CCD Sensor
可以说它有一颗Kodak心, 富士的眼睛...........估计还有中国的螺丝......只剩牌子是自己的了.
没准将来这家瑞典的牌子, 被别人收购也不一定.



Fuji, Shriro, Imacon, and the digital age
In 1998, Hasselblad began selling the XPan, a camera designed and made in Japan by Fujifilm. In 2002, they introduced the H-System, retroactively renaming their original camera line the V-System.

The H-System marked an essential transition for the company. It dropped the traditional Hasselblad square negative format, instead using 6×4.5cm film and a new series of lenses. It was intended to be used with digital backs and eventually made as an all-digital camera. And it is largely designed and manufactured by Fuji and sold under their name in Asian markets.

In January 2003 Shriro Group acquired a majority shareholding in Hasselblad. The group had been the distributors for Hasselblad in Japan, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia for over 45 years.[5]
The following year, in August 2004, Shriro Sweden, the holding company of Victor Hasselblad AB, and Swedish subsidiary of Shriro Group, announced the acquisition of high-end scanner and digital cameraback manufacturer, Imacon. The intent of the move was to accelerate Hasselblad’s ambitions in the professional digital photographic sector.[6]

The move was perceived as part of an industry-wide move to respond to the trend away from film to digital. Christian Poulsen, chief executive of Hasselblad after the merger, said, "They finally realized there was no future. It was impossible to keep Hasselblad alive without digital.".[7]

This move was a key step in the evolution of the medium format camera market. Up until that point, medium format camera makers made cameras and lenses, and separate companies made digital camera back attachments to enable those film cameras to take digital pictures. Most back companies sold products to be used with several different brands of camera. Imacon was one such back manufacturer; by merging with Hasselblad, it became evident that Hasselblad intended to cut other back manufacturers out of access to their new product line, enabling them to seamlessly transition to fully integrated all-digital cameras while the competition was still producing cameras in which the film-based controls and digital capture were not fully combined, and also to retain the profits on the backs, which sell for tens of thousands of dollars.

This has secured their and Fuji's market position, with nearly all of their previous medium format camera competition going through sale (Mamiya), closure (Contax), or greatly reduced market presence (Pentax), and other medium format digital back makers being faced with accordingly restricted markets.
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发表于 2008-7-10 21:15 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-10 23:42 | 只看该作者
Post by 菘屋

哈哈, 我是直接给连接, 大家自己看.
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