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发表于 2008-8-7 10:50 | 只看该作者


请看 来自 CST 网站:

cst.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 295)

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发表于 2008-8-7 11:04 | 只看该作者


不管是在 CST  还是 USC, 都一样。读一年的大学,领一年的收益,每年都要填一次表。并不是说读大一的时候,就能一次取回所有的收益,要分三年。

来自 USC 网站:

   Q: What type of education program must the child attend to qualify for Grant?


  The child must qualify for EAPs under the RESP in order to receive the Grant.  At a minimum, the course must be at a post-secondary level and qualify under the Income Tax Act.

Under the Income Tax Act the course must be at least three weeks in length with 10 hours per week of instruction. Outside of Canada, the course must be a minimum of 13 weeks.

For any plan entered after 1998, the total education assistance payments are limited to $5,000 until the student has completed 13 consecutive weeks in the previous 12-month period.
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发表于 2008-8-15 15:32 | 只看该作者

不好意思!上次没有看清你的帖子的要点:每年只读三周课就能和别的公司读四年full-time 的课拿回同样的钱。实际上这是绝对不可能的,任何一间公司都不可能有这样的条件的。

我的CST agent 很肯定地说CST计划只要在一年里上三周的课,每周十学时,就能将所有收益拿回。如果他真是这样说,那么他就是在诱导!在 CST 的 2007年10月2日的 Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan 中的第2页明确指出:

Your return on investment in the Group Savings Plan is maximized if the student completes four years of post-secondary studies.  Under this Plan, the Education Assistance Payments are paid in four instalments over four years.Where a rogram
totalling less than four academic years of study (or any combination of programs that total less than four academic years) is chosen, your Child will not be eligible to collect all four instalments (see “Group Savings Plan General Description” on page 24).
Under the Group Savings Plan, if you do not make all required Contributions or if your Child does not qualify to receive Education Assistance Payments, you will not be eligible for any enrolment fee refund and you will forfeit all accumulated income and Government Grants unless you exercise the option to transfer to one of the Self-determined Plans.Your eligibility for any enrolment fee refund will only be reinstated if you transfer back to the Group Savings
Plan (see “Transferring to a Self-determined Plan” on page 37).


其实你的孩子还是个 baby,不必现在就为他担心。既然已经买了,就坚持下去吧!现在唯有把心思多放在孩子身上,好好教育,让他健康成长,说不定到时候你会发现你现在的担心是多余的了!
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发表于 2008-8-22 14:14 | 只看该作者
Lulu39, 谢谢你的指点。

我看了一下CST 2007年说明书,在第二页的倒数第五行确实有这么一段话:

“Your return on investment in the Group Savings Plan is maximized if the student completes four years of post-secondary studies. Under this plan, the Education Assistance Payments are paid in four instalments over four years. Where a program totaling less than four academic years of study (or any combination of programs that total less than four academic years) is chosen, your Child will not be eligible to collect all four instalments (see “ Group Savings Plan General Description” on page 24). Under the Group Savings Plan, if you do not make all required Contributions or if your Child does not qualify to receive Education Assistance Payments. you will not be eligible for any enrolment fee refund and you will forfeit all accumulated income and Government Grants unless you exercise the option to transfer to one of the Self-determined Plans. Your eligibility for any enrolment fee refund will only be reinstated if you transfer back to the Group Savings Plan (see “Transferring to a Self-determined Plan” on page 37).

这段话应该怎么理解呢? 我的CST Agent 明确对我说:一年读三周的课,每

周读10学时,能拿到全部的好处。但是CST Agent 说的取款条件和公司规定

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发表于 2008-8-22 17:02 | 只看该作者

   在团体储蓄计划中,如果学生完成四年中上教育,其投资回报是最多的。在该计划下,教育津贴在四年内分四次偿还。如果你孩子所修专业少于4学年(或是不同专业加在一起少于4 学年),他将没有资格得到4期的全额付款(see “ Group Savings Plan General Description” on page 24). 团体储蓄计划下,如果你未按要求供足款项,或是你的孩子没有接受教育津贴偿还的资格,那么,你就无资格获得注册费的退还,同时丧失全部累积收益和政府津贴,除非你转到一个自我决定的计划。如果你再转回团体储蓄计划,那么你就将再有资格得到注册费的退还。(see “Transferring to a Self-determined Plan” on page 37).



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发表于 2008-8-24 22:00 | 只看该作者
有的人攻击某一种计划(或公司),有的人攻击所有的RESP. 我想各有原因.但既然政府规定可以买,还有补助,为什么不买哪?不想花钱给经记,自己买.总比不买强.我以买了十年了,一开始我就决定要一直买下去.在以前的贴字里曾给出年回报,有人总不信. 一句话,想给孩子准备学费,就一定买!前怕狼,后怕虎,设想那末多可能性,真累! 孩子为什么一年才上几周学呢?
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