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恐怖:Edmonton到winnipeg的bus上一人被刀杀死 头被割掉

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发表于 2008-8-5 15:25 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2008-8-5 15:52 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2008-8-5 17:38 | 只看该作者
:rolleyes: 又来了,拿小板凳。
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发表于 2008-8-5 17:47 | 只看该作者
听我示范:“走!!!滚远点!!!” 看,它爬那了吧。
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发表于 2008-8-5 18:20 | 只看该作者


埃德蒙顿太阳报》8月4日发表题为《专家称斩首案可能是文化压力的结果》Expert says killing may have been result of cultural pressure。该文引述心理学专家的意见,指出灰狗巴士的环境可能是引发斩首案的原因。但更大的可能,是李伟光做为首代移民,因承受巨大的文化压力做 出失常行为。分析特意提到去年的美国弗吉尼亚理工大学集体屠杀案。弗州屠杀案的杀手,是一名韩裔学生。


李伟光曾在教堂打工,与他熟识的格兰特纪念浸信会牧师卡斯托(Tom Castor)回忆,李伟光在教堂工作6个月,表现不错。牧师还说,在工作过程中李伟光没有发生过动怒的事情,也未显示出其他心理异常的迹象。2005年春季李伟光辞职离开温尼伯,携妻前往埃德蒙顿。

根据现有新闻报道,李伟光和他的妻子安娜Anna移民加拿大后落脚温尼伯,第一个住址是奥斯本社区Osborne Village,第一份工作是米德兰食品公司Midland Foods的叉车司机。他以后又担任过教堂勤杂工,麦当劳快餐店侍者和发行公司送报员。他后移居的埃德蒙顿是阿尔伯塔省首府,近年因石油开发,该省是加拿 大经济最繁荣的地区。


来自中国的新移民,有相当一部分对信仰持“实用”态度,没有什么神圣感。他们对无神论、佛道儒、基督教、伊斯兰和非传统教派均持相同态度。在信徒眼中形同 陌路的浸信会和摩门教,中国新移民看起来完全一样,“有用就行”。这种见门就进的态度固然很不严谨,但也不会为什么教义发疯。

有报道说,李伟光2005年春是独自搬到埃德蒙顿的,太太则继续留在温尼伯,干过多分工作维生。有媒体分析是因为李伟光的妻子受不了丈夫的精神问题,才甘 愿分隔两地。李伟光在埃德蒙顿找到送报和广告单的工作,太太最近才搬到一起。一般说,移民初期经常迁移包括两地分居,因移民压力出现较多家庭矛盾,在中国 新移民中是常见现像。加国移民部委托社团提供的移民服务,其中一项就是解决家庭问题。




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发表于 2008-8-5 20:03 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-8-5 20:11 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-8-5 20:58 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-8-5 21:28 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-8-5 21:41 | 只看该作者

'Please kill me,' accused pleads

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/s ... Story/National/home

ERICKSON, MAN. — Vince Li stood in a Manitoba courtroom Tuesday pleading for it all to end.  “Please kill me,” he said quietly, in a court packed with journalists and members of the victim's family.

  Mr. Li, 40, is accused of stabbing and beheading 22-year-old Tim McLean, a complete stranger, who was sleeping next to him on a Greyhound bus bound for Winnipeg on July 30.

  The judge ordered a psychiatric assessment to determine whether Mr. Li is fit to stand trial and whether he can be held criminally responsible for his actions. He has so far refused to speak to a lawyer.        

                                                                                      Vince Weiguang Li, suspect in the murder of Tim McLean aboard a Greyhound bus in Manitoba, is escorted by sheriff officers on his way to a court appearance on Tuesday. (Reuters)

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Vince Weiguang Li appears in Manitoba courtroom to face charge of second-degree murder

Young man travelling on Greyhound bus stabbed to death and beheaded by stranger.

                                                                                                                                               Court was told Mr. Li spent four days in a Canadian psychiatric facility at some point, but the Crown is still trying to determine where and when. Crown lawyer Joyce Dalmyn said Mr. Li has not yet offered any explanation for what occurred aboard Greyhound 1170.

  “No explanation, no note, almost nothing verbal,” Ms. Dalmyn said. “There is nothing to indicate it's anything other than a random and unprovoked attack.”

  Meanwhile, new details have emerged about how Mr. Li spent the 24 hours before Mr. McLean was killed, including that he spent a night on a public bench, sold a laptop to a teenager that contained personal letters and photos, as well as a note that expressed feelings of guilt at leaving China, and confusion about life in Canada.

  Mr. Li first stepped off the Greyhound bus from Edmonton in the tiny western Manitoba town of Erickson, population 456, just before 6 p.m. last Tuesday, July 29.

  He strode across the street from the convenience store, which doubles as a bus depot, carrying five pieces of luggage under his arms. He was wearing small black sunglasses, a green shirt and a hat, and looked perfectly put together, like a businessman, said Darren Beatty, a 15-year-old student who works at a local gas station.

  “The whole time I seen him he never took off his sunglasses,” Mr. Beatty said.

  He watched him sit down on a shaded wooden bench next to the Co-Op grocery on Main Street, arranging his bags around him and resting his arms as though he were sitting in an arm chair.

  He didn't move for the next three hours.

  Around 9 p.m., he walked into the M and M store, where David Dauphinais's husband Darren was working alone.

  Mr. Li hung around for what felt like ages, making Darren extremely uncomfortable. He called his husband, saying he was afraid to walk home.

  “He was really freaked out,” Mr. Dauphinais said. “He said there was something about this guy that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up.

  “Darren's a treaty Indian. When Darren gets nervous about somebody, I listen.”

  Mr. Dauphinais rushed back from a meeting, only to find that Mr. Li had left the store when another customer walked in.

  That night neither could sleep, fretting about the mysterious stranger. Mr. Dauphinais got out of bed at 3 a.m. and went down to check on his store. He saw Mr. Li sitting across the street, bolt upright on the bench, eyes wide open.

  The following morning, Mr. Beatty was riding his bike when he saw a laptop on the curb. The screen was open and a hand-written sign said “$600 for sale, or best offer.”

  He circled on his bike, noted the brand-new Acer 4200, and approached Mr. Li.

  He offered $100, then immediately lowered it to $50. Mr. Li contemplated for a moment.

  “That's probably enough to get you a bus ticket,” Mr. Beatty said. They settled on $60, plus a bag.

  “I just thought he was a guy having a hard time,” he said, adding he never felt threatened. “He seemed lost. As I was talking to him about [the laptop] he muttered something about America. He had a thick accent so it was hard to understand.

  “He seemed really happy to get some money in his hand.”

  Mr. Beatty brought the computer home, and, after returning to get the password from Mr. Li (it was 7777), he unwittingly opened a window on the world of a man who would soon become one of Canada's most notorious accused killers.

  He found more than 20 resumes, each tailored to a specific job application. One was for a police service, one for McDonald's, one for Wal-Mart. He also found dozens of photos that he assumed were taken by Mr. Li, including several of a black military plane that he thought were taken by an amateur in mid-air. There were photos of a formal Chinese military parade, and others of Chinese models in clothes, and some of mountains in British Columbia.

  There was a letter in Mandarin, translated with Google translator, which seemed to be addressed to someone back in China. It said he was happy to be free, living under beautiful, free skies, but that he felt guilty for leaving China, and that everything in Canada was not as he expected, Mr. Beatty said.

  Mr. Li, who recently worked as a newspaper deliveryman, immigrated to Canada in 2001 under the federal skilled worker program, though it's not known whether it was Mr. Li or his wife Anna who qualified. He's believed to be a Canadian citizen.

  On the morning after the attack, Mr. Beatty got a call from the RCMP at work, saying an incident had occurred involving the man who sold him his laptop. An officer visited his home and seized the computer, saying he might get restitution but wasn't likely to get the laptop back.

  “I asked the cop, “Did he use my money to buy a weapon? But he said, ‘No, not that we know of,' ” Mr. Beatty said.

  Mr. Li returned to the M and M store around 1:30 p.m. Mr. Dauphinais said he stood waiting in an alley behind the store for the next 41/2 hours for the bus to arrive.

  Just before 6 p.m., he boarded the Greyhound in Erickson, not Brandon as several witnesses reported, and sat down near the front. After a cigarette break in Brandon, he moved to the back and sat next to Mr. McLean.

  Court was told Tuesday that when he was arrested, Mr. Li was carrying a plastic bag containing a human nose, ear and part of a mouth, believed to be Mr. McLean's, and that police officers saw him hacking at and eating the corpse. During the ensuing standoff RCMP officers heard him say, “I have to stay on the bus forever.”

  Mr. Li's next court appearance is Sept. 8.
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