楼主: bellefemme
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发表于 2008-10-3 09:32 | 只看该作者
呵呵呵,这事儿还没完呢,又开始售楼了。我看了一下,好像低价位的都出得差不多了,剩下的都是些高价位的。三半的没有了,二房的from $134,000。
- w. O0 Y( H, L2 x) p' [" b& F: A" ~1 s# R; z
+ R% l( _5 z: Z8 h* |. Z7 g

* I5 y5 t9 {  i2 R/ b里面可以找到
De-la-Savane还有一些正在出售。还有St-Laurent的,但现在还没开盘,所以没有任何信息。可以先注册一下,开盘前会发邮件通知你的。; B3 m9 L& _" ^* P; W: ~

" }- I; L8 h% p! o' ~& r0 G在:Projects in Progress里可以看到NDG的这个楼盘,还可以看到具体的房型。- ~6 `! h7 h: ^' w3 b6 K
9 Q+ N" j  X3 o) T, P# C
! E5 h) U! Z/ M4 r  S
7 W( x. T/ w; V) P: S8 N6 W再假设五年后你的房子已经升值到$19w了,并且你也卖出,你将要退回“作为downpayment的政府补贴是房价的10%,即$1.5w“,并且收益的10%,即(19w-15w)*10%=$0.4w。
+ }& w+ d7 z+ f/ _5 j% I, u* x/ e1 S% H0 |1 z! N

8 {. P! s' J, L6 D+ X# m
You only need to make an initial payment of $1,000 and SHDM will advance you 10% of the downpayment you need to purchase a condo from one of the Accès Condos projects (purchase credit).
: z! W# r. x- [6 s, l
' s: }. L: A7 |The purchase credit does not have to be repaid as long as you remain the owner-occupier of your property. When you sell or rent out your property, you must repay this amount to SHDM, as well as a portion of the increase in its value at time of the transaction. However, you may refund your purchase credit at any time. SHDM and the purchaser agree, at this time, on the fair market value of the property, to determine the increase in value.( i9 ^4 E/ A, k- n- r$ B1 g
+ ~, I( M3 T5 C& |2 y4 g
Monies derived from these refunds will be paid into the development fund to be used for other affordable housing projects.
* H( I# t* N3 r+ n4 g) K; i6 Y& C' Q/ [" s
- }3 E' B* O5 y

7 A/ p( O" ~$ u  ]4 REveryone for whom the availability of affordable property is the best route to home ownership in the territory of the City of Montreal is eligible for the program.
6 S  Y& W0 A# d6 a& E) t3 [0 Y8 @9 Y, u0 i
In order to qualify for all the benefits of this program, you simply have to meet certain criteria:7 u0 u4 T* @* z$ D( Y1 c
; w! ]( V- J9 D& f% l

    * s3 b" W" K9 E6 v
  • Buy the property with the intention of living there
    9 E. A1 {+ f! t$ d8 h1 c
  • Be eligible for a mortgage loan
    - A) M2 \, p6 V& l/ u) T4 O
  • Sign the Accès Condos contract concerning the mortgage guarantee on the purchase credit
    ' }2 N" a1 h5 {7 z- M% i2 G& W: f' a
  • Not already own a housing unit thanks to the Accès Condos program
    " @, @+ O# y9 q$ o, j
- ~. P8 l6 C" F6 H: [2 W
- e3 f, M+ W5 e0 z' A5 l
As well as the Accès Condos purchase credit, you may be eligible for other financial assistance programs available to first-time homebuyers:
; n0 ?$ Q" Z5 y- N/ L5 p/ u1 v
      }" \" G; Y% g
  • The City of Montreal’s first-time homebuyers’ subsidy, which is part of its Habiter Montréal program, grants an amount of $6,500 (for households without children) or $10,000 (for households with a child), applicable to the downpayment on the purchase of a new affordable property within its territory. For households with no children, the value of the unit may be as much as $180,000; for households with a child, the value of the unit may be up to $235,000.# @2 c3 a- X& T7 V6 |3 m1 F3 j: R" X
  • The Home Buyer's Plan (HBP) allows you to withdraw up to $20,000 from your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) to reduce the amount of your mortgage.( s9 ~9 w1 t0 ?' {" S- h
Certain conditions apply to each of these programs. For further information, visit their internet sites; you will find the addresses in our LINKS section.
+ G9 Y* S+ A! p$ F% H! f) g1 N! e; J9 Y" ?) A: b! ~
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发表于 2008-10-25 13:16 | 只看该作者
:confused: :confused: 没有新消息啊?
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发表于 2008-10-25 14:01 | 只看该作者
这里的condo Fee包括了公共区域的清洁费、垃圾费、铲雪费、暖气费,电费,日常的维护维修费,管理费,房屋保险费等等,有一部分是预留着为以后的大修用的(比如换屋顶之类),如果不够还会向业主征收。其实还要看选出来的业主委员会的人会不会好好运用这部分资金,这就需要自己要充分行使业主的权利了,认真投票选出负责任的业主委员会,好好审审会计师的年报吧。; T9 |# M: o% j* S  J% _9 [' b
地税学校税都是按面积收的, 不分house和condo。每年的地税学校税是按房屋的评估价来计算的,只有升没有降,地段好的升得快一些。曾经见过一个在laval的house,评估价去年比前年几乎翻了一倍,税自然也就飞了上去。抢钱手段真是厉害。
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发表于 2008-10-25 16:48 | 只看该作者


昨天晚上收到信说让等待抽签结果, 不知道到啥时候才有结果. 有谁问中央空调费的事?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-11-4 15:56 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-11-6 10:20 | 只看该作者
I called them Tuesday, they said those who win will receive the letter next week.  If sb receive sth, please post your information here.  
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发表于 2008-11-6 13:03 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-11-6 16:16 | 只看该作者
Post by trunker 2 Z: D! |1 G  X$ d) y8 W4 O1 g
6 ?1 y3 m- {8 z/ r2 Y: s! _

7 s! o2 n0 b( u) n' V
' {" a) S0 n1 e8 T0 r4 o恭喜恭喜: }6 ^* L/ T, ?3 d

8 O) K: L8 |0 O0 o' D2 n1 z能否告知现在银行给的利率是多少?6 C& d- O8 h5 x' ], @
2 |6 q7 C3 R  l6 U7 L" ?5 R
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发表于 2008-11-7 20:45 | 只看该作者
有谁知道对于这些房子,是否可以得到further assistance for firsr time buyers 的10,000$, 可以的话,怎样得到?
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发表于 2008-11-7 22:47 | 只看该作者
:rolleyes: 听说物业费降到0.13/per ftsq, 五个半的最低月供850(银行贷款九万),还有好像银行固定五年期利率还是用原来的5%左右(现在各银行都涨到6%点几)。
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