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发表于 2008-10-20 10:47 | 只看该作者
他们的点比较少, 如果你附近有就好了.
Post by 起子
national bank, good?
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发表于 2008-10-20 10:51 | 只看该作者
do you mean "credit line"? 我倒是不知道他们的支票是免费给的. HSBC对支票的要求很严格, 一定要有姓名地址, 才给开户. 我当初问客服信用卡支票可以吗? 他说no

从中不能买RRSP是什么意义? 似乎有支票就能买RRSP啊.
Post by fengfeng

我是用普通银行的个人信用账号作“支票”账号用,好处是有免费的支票,不过不象INGHSBC那样还有利息可拿。唯一不便的是不能从中买RRSP。如果HSBCINGPRE-AUTHOZIED功能,那么我想ING(HSBCDirect Savings Account)加上普通银行的个人信用账号,完全可以取代支票账号,不压那笔钱了。

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发表于 2008-10-20 10:54 | 只看该作者
他可能是说他去HSBC in person的, 银行给了他一些check, 那种不是pre-printed的支票不能开online direct deposit帐户.

Post by fengfeng



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发表于 2008-10-20 10:55 | 只看该作者
SAAQ只接受BMO或national bank或desjardin的payment.
Post by montrealpost
DIRECT DEPOSIT => Yes, we have our pay cheque go straight into HSBC

PRE-AUTHOZIED PAYMENT => should be OK, but not sure. Ask HSBC, then please let us know.

??something?? . . . . u CANNOT pay SAAQ driver license at HSBC. Something about setup between bank and SAAQ, I don't understand.
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发表于 2008-10-20 11:03 | 只看该作者
我当初就是在唐人街的cibc开的户, 那个点的服务至少要比BMO要好很多. 而且CIBC的点也不少啊, 至少我生活的附近都有点. 他们的服务时间也不短啊, downtown都到5点, 生活区虽然到4点, 但是周四会开到7点, angrignon mall里的那个cibc周六也开呢, 这点比RBC好多了. 当然TD的open时间最长了.

我在TD, RBC, BMO, HSBC等都有过帐户. 总的来说cibc的服务算中等吧. 反正用到现在也没什么大问题.
Post by 牛鬼蛇神
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发表于 2008-10-20 13:21 | 只看该作者
是的,我说的就是"credit line account",支票是免费的) 当然要不让它产生利息,balance必须为正.

不过因为它是信用账号,如果从中转钱去买RRSP,是不是相当于贷款买RRSP呢,所以当时银行没容许我这么干,我只能从普通支票账号去买。现在知道HSBC也可以PRE-AUTHORIZE PAY能,所以这一问题就可以解决。


Post by VVMM
do you mean "credit line"? 我倒是不知道他们的支票是免费给的. HSBC对支票的要求很严格, 一定要有姓名地址, 才给开户. 我当初问客服信用卡支票可以吗? 他说no

从中不能买RRSP是什么意义? 似乎有支票就能买RRSP啊.
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发表于 2008-10-20 13:29 | 只看该作者
很可能是这样. 我后来曾在电话里再提及这一问题,他们只说你只要提供institution#, transit # and account # 就是一样的了。

Post by VVMM
他可能是说他去HSBC in person的, 银行给了他一些check, 那种不是pre-printed的支票不能开online direct deposit帐户.
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发表于 2008-10-21 08:33 | 只看该作者
Thank VVMM for sharing info.

"是不是只能在HSBC的ATM上存支票?" => No

I've deposit cheques in BMO+National machineSS, never problem except once last week.  But it was BMO machine problem(identical problem to my BMO account at the time), not problem with HSBC/HSBC account.  

Or did u try to deposit your cheque into Chequing Account on machine, it's supposed to be Savings.  I always check balance first before any transaction, to avoid mixing up the accounts.  :p

Some National machines doesn't allow deposit, e.g. the one in Central Library(withdrawal only).  I had to walk down to the National Bank in ~Place Duplus on St. Catherine.  Info on National machines are listed on the EXCHANGE web site, hours, functions, etc.  Ask telephone banking for address.

"他们只说你只要提供institution#, transit # and account # 就是一样的了。" => 是一样的。

I asked the HSBC girl who helped me to open my account,  I told her THE SECRETARY ASKED FOR VOID CHEQUE, I may need some for Bell/Hydro.  She asked me how many void cheques I wanted.

If u prefer a paper (VOID CHEQUE), call your Account Manager, she'll get that done and have them mailed to u.  May as well get your credit check done(read reply #13 that I've written below) at the same time.  Much better with less hold on your tansaction(s).  Call telephone banking, they will tell u 2 names + 2 1-800# for your Account Manager (believe the other may be assistance or whatever)

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#$%^& $%^&* !@#$% !@#$%
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发表于 2008-10-22 07:13 | 只看该作者
Post by fengfeng
  . . . . 不过因为它是信用账号,如果从中转钱去买RRSP,是不是相当于贷款买RRSP呢,所以当时银行没容许我这么干,我只能从普通支票账号去买。现在知道HSBC也可以PRE-AUTHORIZE PAY功能,所以这一问题就可以解决。 . . .  

I have no idea what credit line account is, don't understand why pre-authorize pay function can be used for RRSP.  Just want to remind u to be careful with inter-bank transfer, believe they charge ~$15/25 per transaction.

(Interbank transfer for pre-set-up account(e.g. my BMO accounts) in HSBC Direct Saving is "Direct Deposit" in my BMO, no charge.  Requirement: same name)
Post by montrealpost
  . . .  BILL PAYMENT function(HSBC) - City tax, Hydro, Bell, Visa, MC, etc. etc.  (no income tax yet)   . . . . . .

Correction:  The payee list of HSBC includes Montreal School Tax, Federal income tax.
No Quebec income tax, no Montreal Property Tax listed, i.e. u can't pay these 2 over the internet, nor telephone banking.  They are working on these 2 right now.

The girl at HSBC branch told me that she saw people paying their Quebec income tax at HSBC machines.  The payee list at branch is a bit different from the web+telephone banking.  U can pay Quebec income tax at counter, but there will be a service charge + :

U cannot do anything with Direct Saving Account at any HSBC counter, they don't have access to the internet account.
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发表于 2008-10-22 10:50 | 只看该作者
你说得一点没错! 因为是第一次使用这张卡,所以错误地试图往支票账号中存支票。多谢提醒!我会再试的 )

credit line account 和信用卡的CASH ADVANCE类似,可以赊钱,利息却比信用卡低多了,普通信用账号利息在7-8%。当然它不是刷卡使用,而是手头缺钱时随时取来用的,不过利息立刻产生。

Post by montrealpost
Thank VVMM for sharing info.

"是不是只能在HSBC的ATM上存支票?" => No

Or did u try to deposit your cheque into Chequing Account on machine, it's supposed to be Savings. I always check balance first before any transaction, to avoid mixing up the accounts. :p

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