I consulted my sons' pediatrician before, she told me that I can use any brands and feel free to swith between brands as long as the child can accept it since there are not much quality difference among the brands. There is very high standard regualtion about the baby's formula in north amrica. there might be a bit tasting difference among the different brands. As long as your child like it, you can buy the cheapest in the market.
I have used almost any brands on the market, (most of the time I bought it when the formula was onsale) my boys have no problem to switch the formula.
For the formula, if it doesn't have Omega 3-6, the cheapest one is Costco brand, and not too difficult to resolve it.
从来都没注意过costco还有奶粉卖,除了婴儿配方奶粉,不知道有没有加拿大这里有没有专门给大一点的小孩喝的儿童奶粉,孩子5岁了,想买些奶粉带回去。QUOTE=TWIN 妈]I consulted my sons' pediatrician before, she told me that I can use any brands and feel free to swith between brands as long as the child can accept it since there are not much quality difference among the brands. There is very high standard regualtion about the baby's formula in north amrica. there might be a bit tasting difference among the different brands. As long as your child like it, you can buy the cheapest in the market.
I have used almost any brands on the market, (most of the time I bought it when the formula was onsale) my boys have no problem to switch the formula.
For the formula, if it doesn't have Omega 3-6, the cheapest one is Costco brand, and not too difficult to resolve it.[/QUOTE]