虽然omeg3是好东东, 但是自己吃的就是小孩吃的? 好像还不一定吧:
Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), are important for your baby's brain and eye development. However, there is some concern that some omega-3 supplements, especially those made from fish, may contain heavy metals such as mercury or other toxins. Therefore, if you are breastfeeding or thinking of breastfeeding and are considering taking an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, make sure to check with your healthcare provider first.
Do I Need an Omega-3 Supplement While Breastfeeding?
You may have noticed that many of the new infant formulas on the market now contain the omega-3 fatty acid DHA.
Does this mean that if you choose to breastfeed your infant will be deficient in DHA? Would it be beneficial for you to take extra DHA? DHA passes through breast milk, and if you get enough of it, your baby probably will, too. However, the typical American diet is often low in DHA, since the omega-3 fatty acid is found mostly in oily fish.
If you don't eat much fish, should you take a DHA omega-3 fatty acid supplement? DHA may be important for eye and brain development, although research in this area is lacking. Studies have generally been small, and some studies have failed to show any benefit for DHA supplementation. At this point, it's not really clear if taking an omega-3 supplement is really beneficial.
There are three good ways to get more omega-3 fatty acids. First, eat more fish (although heavy metals and other toxins can be a concern). If you do not want to eat more fish, a prenatal vitamin with omega-3 fatty acids or an omega-3 supplement may be considered. Some new prenatal vitamins contain omega-3 fatty acids (especially DHA), and many healthcare providers recommend taking such prenatal vitamins while breastfeeding. If your prenatal vitamin does not contain DHA, consider adding a non-prescription DHA supplement designed especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women (such as Expecta® Lipil®).
Omega-3 fatty acids are not free of side effects (see Omega-3 Side Effects), including potentially dangerous ones (see Omega-3 Safety). Therefore, you should take omega-3 supplements while breastfeeding only with your healthcare provider's approval.
Post by 安利王小姐
植物卵磷脂 \血管清道夫,局部瘦身(尤其腹部过胖,迅速消脂),及清除怀孕时吃入过
多高脂补品残留在血管中的血脂及胆固醇,含蜂蜜配方好吃又健康. **用嚼的喔!!
DHA \ 您想小孩起跑点超人一等? DHA专门活化脑细胞,1人吃2人补,产前后妈妈吃