I am a married man and open enough to accept some affair in the marriage, though I am not advocative on that. Especially in the difficult times like temparary separation from spouse, family issues and many other things such affairs are not too much to blame. Now I am right in the period of that time, that is why I started looking for some married ladies two months ago. I never thought it was that difficult to find one. There are many married people with certain level of marriage issues (I used "issues" instead of "problems" because issues doesn't necessary lead to any marriage problem); if I have such a need, the chances are there will be some ladies having the same thought. In fact, I was only partially correct. I did have some email exchanges with couple of ladies, but they seem to want to do it like they did for their first dating. In North America, fewer people (I mean educated people like us, not those living on warefare) are idle, we are busy all the time. I would like to do it, but simply don't have time for that. We are both adults and married, and we knwo what we are doing. Let's do it and take the responsibility on our own, the best case is we will become normal friends later on. Maybe women are different from men is that they focus more on the course, while men will likely do the opposite (from destination to beginning). I almost give up, but here is my email address any_hope2004@yahoo.ca |