I have using Clarin product for a while. I could say it is one of my favorite produts so far. So if anybody knows where the warehouse sale is located, please let me know as soon as possible. I am planning to go this Saturday to get some stuff.
I have using Clarin product for a while. I could say it is one of my favorite produts so far. So if anybody knows where the warehouse sale is located, please let me know as soon as possible. I am planning to go this Saturday to get some stuff.
Thanks a lot in advance and wish all the best.
Maybe you can not read Chinese. It was only opened for two days, 14 and 15 Nov. So it is finished already.
Normally it has two times warehouse sale per year. One is about in May, the other one is around in Nov. So keep eyes on the informations here. There must be some nice JMs who would post information here.