Pull power cord and plug in again .
terminal will show a rotating --, when it stop, terminal screen show black, no light.
press the power on switch, green light come on, on the TV screen, show the EXPLORER logo.
Now wait for the terminal to load the data, (Seem like a long time)
After forever, the data will be loaded, and you can watch whatever program selected.
Call Customer service if no data, they will trouble shoot for you.
Post by 121606
Remote 的电池行吗? (Make sure the battery is good, and the remote is working)
拔电源後, 再插.
机器面板显示屏上面就是转重的"_ ", 这东西转好几次後,面板変全黑.
按Remote开机, 綠灯亮, TV 屏上示岀Explorer LOGO. 以後就是等.
如果"_"不转, 相信是有毛病, 打电话去
Technical Support, 514-841-2611. 他们会与你一齐查看是那里不好.