楼主: benkdf
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发表于 2008-12-23 13:36 | 只看该作者


;) 3 b' B/ C/ Q9 [

0 v* T  g' b$ l' `! @The courses In training schools are very basic. They are almost the same.
9 E! k1 W& S! a8 C, M4 }. O& QIf you had taken some related course before, it is very easy for you to learn here.
& {1 X) b! Z* l- b( N/ `; k  ` # b9 @& u6 i% b! C
But the most important thing is your language. At the end of all courses, the school will introduce you an oppotunity for the intership. But some company will request the interview. It means employer will test your language and your accounting knowledge.: P' T0 \- R, z! v, @  k' o, I
/ D8 k' n& ^2 s# U3 p- o
For language, it depends on the position they will offer to you. Honestly, I speak 90% of English in my company, 10 of French with my quebec customers. Unfortunetly, most of employers need bilingle employees. Because sometimes, you have to make or receive calls and letters from your customers, suppliers and government.
0 l: I) R: p% C/ `3 L3 Z0 }, q + N! j1 o* L% t; v$ D8 `
So in my opinion, working experience and languages are the most important. But if you have taken some courses in university, even gotten CGA, CMA, CA or CPA license, you will have more chance.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-23 21:46 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-12-23 22:38 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-12-23 22:40 | 只看该作者
多谢寻梦人,我法语还好,英语忘了不少,初到加拿大,是读个training还是CGA之类的呢?犹豫中。。。:confused: ,本科要读3年啊,想起来就头疼
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发表于 2008-12-24 09:50 | 只看该作者


/ S: k" h6 c  S! }/ k/ W( I: ?
( k# E5 _; d6 r4 e+ WSay sorry to everyone. I am working, I don't have Chinese typing system in my office, therefore I have to write in English.$ m' D6 S* m4 d  f9 m/ j; a8 I( _

) q) E- k( W4 N3 N6 C% aHow to choose the school that you want to enroll is a difficult problem. It bases on your future goal, marriage status, your family's support and your financial status.8 W0 M$ H3 f! u8 y! w0 t0 U% k
4 K- Y% l0 ^1 O  ^
Give you some suggestions. It is personal, not exact.* j' m7 Q$ Y' s. _
) |) t& K; _, e+ [5 m
Go to training school. At the same time, find a part time job you will be paid or as a volunteer in order to get working experience. Actually working is not very hard, but you have to be multy-task, work efficiently.+ M) H& ?+ p/ G& T6 m- Q

  u) Y" m( n" W9 x) x& I/ kGo to university to get a degree and a related licence so as to have a good future, but you still need to work part time. Because working experience is more important.
0 q5 F) O0 d+ ~0 j0 {: O % b0 A) G2 G! k2 f
Try to find a English or French speaker as your roomate or your language partner to practise your language. If you really want to speak any language fluently, the best way is to speaker as much as you can.
; X. b4 T) [' g, B* z8 K 8 h2 Z' |$ ]% c7 l1 d
Tell all of your friends that you are searching a job. In Canada, most oppotunities of job hunting are secret. It means the employers don't have enough time and energy to review all the CVs and make a interview with everybody. So they prefer to search some guy from their colleagues, their friends.
$ ~% F+ I6 z! l7 ? $ |) u! b4 H* K% P
From February to May of every year, this is a good job hunting period.
# e8 k% }! D2 _- w! ^1 b# m ! Z$ d4 l6 f( q! `3 ], j4 U9 {3 Y8 J
Life is not easy here. If you really want to stay in Canada, please enjoy everything you have now, including some bitter experience. When you succeed some day, and you recall everything you have had, it will be your property.
5 U/ K2 Y8 D1 u' ?" G9 @ ) Y" f" _( a& C( B4 m, l& k  W2 Z" L
Marry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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发表于 2008-12-24 12:04 | 只看该作者
Post by 寻梦人
4 @" s* ~( G/ p4 L8 `
5 C* }8 [0 R4 z% L' Y ' `! v, x* {( ^% k% E) z# t5 L
Go to university to get a degree and a related licence so as to have a good future, but you still need to work part time. Because working experience is more important.; ?/ o1 r: x  l, t# X4 s- f
# z! k1 H/ R/ t4 Y; U; q
, b' G7 n5 I( I5 ^
Very good suggestions. But the problem is how can people find a part time job without any accounting working experience? or you just mean general working experience?
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发表于 2008-12-24 13:35 | 只看该作者


% D! J4 k) M8 v; y

1 Z4 I0 s' }$ q! _6 UKnock on the door, the door will be open for you.
0 T9 h  ?; A9 R8 G; s. I8 h   ~% c' M$ V5 I% d% \
Base on my experience, sometimes I call some companies directly to request some working information and introduce myself. Because I can speak English fluently, my French is functional. I had been working in accounting department for 7 years in China. So I have enough knowledge of accounting job.
6 X" ?' _5 S% }; N7 R; x
2 F+ y% x0 ]5 ]- d  d& d* MBe careful about your CV. CV is very important. It is your picture to introduce yourself. Try to mention some details that you had done before, including in China, Canada or other countries. For example, 1 M) t3 j. u( _8 j. X3 T
How many people are there in your department ?) v# p/ j, e$ E5 J8 Z2 L
What's your position in your department?9 v2 J- N$ Q" q& d4 R: w: e# @
How many invoices did you post when you worked in your ancient company?
: |' N) j$ j( ~5 fHow many cheque did you issue every month?8 w. B1 l0 U* f% w7 c3 S( C, e6 T
- a. m9 ]: Q9 B# p
Because employers want to know your working ability and your working experience." k1 Q+ `5 I6 F3 H

- J- m  I. ^4 xPersonal suggestion---avoid lying.
. B6 I! W2 Z7 d! t, s
. A# W* l9 F( s- I0 r1 WBefore you go to an interview, review your CV very carefully. During the interview, speak a little bit slowly and clearly. This makes you confidential and give yourself some time to think of the questions that interviewer asks.8 v# ]3 ^; x4 A3 X
% a2 A: |1 ?, R( @- B# p8 B
I am not job hunting expert. I am only an employee. I had sent more than 3 hundred of CVs to find jobs. I had adjusted my CV many times even I don't know exactly how many companies I had been to.
( ^% `. [/ z0 `8 B1 Y8 _
" l+ F* C. s9 @- o  QIf you really need help, maybe I could help you to adjust your CV for free, but I am not sure you will find a job under this CV.
; J1 D1 C7 X; @2 T" e( G 5 g! D( T: j6 t2 T" @" a8 E
You can reach me at soniafengli@yahoo.ca; g6 }% t- t" X2 s" S

; r# [2 j% K( v! |& X. N9 bGood luck.
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发表于 2008-12-25 16:05 | 只看该作者
多谢指点。 那个training 毕业后做的工作是给会计打小工呢,还是真正的会计?我以前也干了7年的会计,在国内。
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